My Fried Thighs Are Dry......

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We do a large volume of friend wings and thighs. I got some great ideas from you guys about wings…par frying ahead of time, storing in walk-in and then flash frying 1.5 minutes / order to crisp up to order. Works great, movin’ them out no problem.
My thighs are a problem when I try to do them this way. I am serving 5.25oz. thigh pieces. I marinate overnight and fry 10-11 minutes @350. When they are cooled, into the walk-in and over the next few days flash-fry them 1.5 minutes to crisp to order. BUT with the thighs they are getting very dry.
Any suggestions about this? What if I lowered the temperature and fried them longer initially? Is there some way I could steam them then deep fry for a shorter period? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, Thanks in advance.
Hello don,If these thighs are not breaded then I would suggest that you bake them if you have an oven.Baking keeps much tender and juicy.Par bake then throw in pizza oven for 5-7 min.
                    Hope this helps
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are these boneless or bone-in?

I’ve not heard of any pizza & thigh specials

care 2 fill us in w/more details, so additional advice can be offered?
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I might be missing part of the equation, but it seems the meat is overcooked if it is dry. What is the internal temp of the meat when you take out of the intial pre-cook/fry? This could be your key.

I would recommend easing BACK (lower) on the initial cooking temp or time. Cook them only just long enough to get them through to safe temp. Start checking internal temps maybe at 8 minutes and then 9 minutes. The whole goal after all is to hit the target temp rather than hitting a time mark in the hot oil.

Cool and refresh/crisp to order. Given the exposure of more meat to direct oil contact . . . less skin coverage . . . you might be getting a much quicker cook.

Par-baking as suggested may be a better start. You can fry crisp to order.
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what we did at a place I interned at was par cooked the fried chicken in a steamer, we cooled them off and then breaded it and deep fried the chicken the rest of the way, the chicken came out so moist.
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are these boneless or bone-in?

I’ve not heard of any pizza & thigh specials

care 2 fill us in w/more details, so additional advice can be offered?
Ok, sorry if I was cryptic with ALL the details.

We have an “ALL YOU CAN EAT” style pizzeria, with the difference being from the chains is that we actually give a menu, and have the customer order exactly what they want and what size or quantity. (not a buffet - and make each pizza hand-tossed to order) I am from Buffalo, NY…so I know how to make a chewy and thick crust (similar to Bocces’ if you know Buffalo) I know alot of you are wondering how we can do this? We are located in Taiwan and in the 6 weeks that we have been doing this, we have had ONLY 2 tables that ate more than their share to kill our margins. Here in Asia, people love to try VARIETY rather than AMOUNT. We offer 14" - 10" & 6" pizzas and we will do the 14 & 10 in quarter topping, which 90% of the pizzas ordered are. We have rules listed on the table that they can order as much as they want and if they can’t finish something they buy that item as if it was a menu item, making for no wasted food. (So far only one table had this rule enforced, and they paid with no problem).
We offer 18 hot & cold beverages / 21 different styles of pizza (plus red/white or B-B-Q sauce) fries,chicken wings,chicken thighs,garlic bread,chicken nuggets(at dinner - 2 types of spaghetti & salad) ice cream and fried cinnamon squares for desert.

It is very normal to get groups of 20 or 30 as we are near the university.

So back to the chicken, it is bone in and we get it fresh(not frozen). We do not bread them, we marinate overnight, sprinkle with paprika for added color and fry. It is not uncommon to go through 150 wings and 120 thighs in one day. Thus the need for par-frying then re-crisping.

I will go in today and experiment with first fry of 8 & 9 minutes. I would love to go to baking them although with that amount I don’t have the space right now. I like the idea of steaming them then frying, will look into some sort of steamer,but I must say doing a pizzeria business here in Asia is not like in the states. Purveyors and suppliers are hard to find as we don’t have anything like Sysco or a Food Depot, ( or a LaNova to solve my chicken problems) so its been months of hunting one item at a time. Not to mention all the help we have received right here on the forum. But we are plugging away and getting closer to a happy medium for everyone involved.

EDITED PORTION…Since there is a 12 hour time difference between Taiwan and EST in the States, most of you are sleeping while I am working. I went in and experimented with the frying time. Tried 7 mins.;8 mins. & 9 mins. The 8 minute ones reached a temp. of 165F inside but with traces of blood near the knuckle. The 9 minute one reached a temp. of 185 and was done all through. I will leave the dozen I fried in the walk-in a couple days and re-crisp and report back. I think this reduction of 2 minutes frying may do the trick… EDITED PORTION

Thanks and looking forward to ANY and ALL suggestions.
Again thanks.

if you are interested in seeing our menu you can go to: The website is in Chinese but if you click on the first blue link you will get the menu.