My Space for your place?


New member
Anyone here using myspace as a form of marketing. I was thinking of using it to market to local “friends”. I thought about a web page…but who would search for it? If I get a large list of friends on myspace, I feel like I would have alot more exposure to the people in my area compared to a web page. Someone who has never eaten at my place could be browsing one of their friend’s lists and see my logo and check me out. I can post print and save coupons. Direct email offers to friends. Have online contests. Plus, it is FREE! Just thinking about this give me your feedback. Here it is.

By the way…did I mention that it’s FREE!
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I have my company on facebook, I get tons of people coming in because of that. So who knows, myspace might work as well
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I would maybe consider doing this, in addition to my website. Like you said, it’s free so there’s no loss if it doesn’t bring in extra business. But don’t downplay a website for your restaurant. You might be surprised how many customers that can bring in. Putting a menu, directions, hours, etc. can be very effective in supplementing your marketing efforts. Plus, you can put a link to your MySpace page from your website and vice versa.

PM me and I’ll give you the URL to a site that will provide you with a “templated” web site WITH online ordering for 10 bucks a month. One extra customer a month will pay for that!

Good luck with the MySpace page.
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I think as long as you maintain a professional page on there you should not hurt by having a profile. I don’t think that the type of person who goes on MySpace to begin with would be turned off by it. If you have an existing website though, I probably would NOT link to the MySpace profile FROM your professional .com website. I also wouldn’t advertise in your store “Check our our myspace page”.
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I have a myspace page for my pizza shop. It doesn’t get much use right now, but I’ve only had it for about 2-3 months. I don’t promote it very much. I love it though when I get a friend request from someone who FOUND ME on myspace. It is just another avenue to promote my pizza shop, and it is free. Easy choice for me to get a page. Especially now, who knows what Myspace might become in the future. The 14-25 year olds are very active on these social networking sites.
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But don’t downplay a website for your restaurant. You might be surprised how many customers that can bring in. Putting a menu, directions, hours, etc. can be very effective in supplementing your marketing efforts.
I agree…we average around 30-50 unique visitors a day with an average of 80-120 page views a day. Plus we have 150 people signed up for our email newsletter in just 8 weeks.

We don’t have a myspace page yet but one of our younger employees is going to make one for us.

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I think as long as you maintain a professional page on there you should not hurt by having a profile. I don’t think that the type of person who goes on MySpace to begin with would be turned off by it. If you have an existing website though, I probably would NOT link to the MySpace profile FROM your professional .com website. I also wouldn’t advertise in your store “Check our our myspace page”.
Why? Define “the type of person that goes on MySpace”. With a dedicated website, I have to wait (hope) for people to search for it, or find it, etc… With this approach, I can be proactive in raising my clientele. Instead of counting views or hits, I can go after them. I can make it more personal. And I can target specific people or groups in my market.
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Just like anything else, you must market your website; just like you would need to market your MySpace site. I put my URL on everything… menus, flyers, business cards, boxtoppers, etc. You’re right… you must wait and hope that someone comes to your site. But isn’t that like any other form of advertising?
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You’re right… you must wait and hope that someone comes to your site. But isn’t that like any other form of advertising?
It is just like any advertising to a point. You have to wait for them to come to you. Now I don’t mean come your shop…I mean you have to wait and hope that they even look at your website. Then if they are there they might see something they like. My point is that with this approach it seems like you could go to them. Don’t wait to see if they look at it…make them look at it. Are people more likely to read a box topper completely or open an email message from someone they know? They may not care what you have on special. Or they may not know about the new item on your mennu. This way you can show them. You can say hey BillyJoeBobFred, check out my $%^^% Pizza, why don’t you bring the family in this weekend to try it out. Just thinking out loud here. Always looking for more opinions. Any other thoughts?
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my main problem with myspace is hacking. Pretty much anyone with myspace page will have p0rn sent from there page at one time or another.

a year or so ago several 100k accounts got used this way. My wifes included. Has happened several times since to friends and family members who have accounts there.

Nothing like seeing something from a friend, clicking it and seeing p0rn pictures. Thats the only thing that scares me about using myspace.
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wiseguy - Just my opinion, I wouldn’t advertise a MySpace page to my general customers because MySpace’s has a bad rep. Define the type of person that goes on MySpace: I would say teens and 20s.

For me, if I was going to go out of my way to mention my URL on menus, etc. I would make it my .com. You can have a simple .com website for 4 bucks a month.
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Assumptions are dangerous. Here’s the reality:
Demographic Profile of Visitors to
Percent Composition of Total Unique Visitors
August 2006 vs. August 2005
Total U.S. – Home/Work/University Locations
Source: comScore Media Metrix

Percent (%) Composition of Unique Visitors

Ages_____]Aug-05_____Aug-06_____% Change
55+ ________7.1_______11.0_________3.9
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Like I said just my opinion. Let me put it this way, as a parent I would never let any child of mine on MySpace.
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You can’t keep your kids from using Myspace. They can go to any library, friend’s house, maybe even school and use it. If you really are worried about it, you should teach them how to use it properly and safely…

Yeah, I don’t have kids 🙂
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MySpace is worthless. I might as well let them sit around and play video games all day.

My kids are responsible and abide by what I say. I do not have to watch them. They understand why I have restrictions and abide by them.
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I am one who will jump at nearly any chance for free advertising venue. MySpace does not call to me, though. It does not convey the image of my business that I wish to convey. Too many OTHER PEOPLE have too much influence on how my presentation will be viewed. Messages sent in, friend links with distasteful pictures, and the growing perception of that venue as risky and somehow less than professional.

I gotta say that we do lots and lots of internet activity, with several interlinked websites. We ask others to link our homepage to theirs, we put our website in our print ads, menus, custom boxes, business cards, correspondence letterhead, flyers going home for School Nights, our marquee sign outside the shop, t-shirts, register receipts, and would tattoo it on our @sses if it would help :). We are a small, rural town with not a huge internet community . . . but would have the same decision in a larger market that MySpace is contrary to our vision and philosophy of marketing and doing business.

Others are welcome from our standpiont to use it and blend it into their business model. It does not currently fit ours.
Assumptions are dangerous. Here’s the reality:
Percent (%) Composition of Unique Visitors

Ages_____]Aug-05_____Aug-06_____% Change
55+ ________7.1_______11.0_________3.9
Assumptions are indeed dangerous, as is over-generalization of simple means of single hits.

I am guessing at least part of that shift was the parents and institutions had finally gotten involved in monitoring and discovering what that was all about to supervise their kids. . . and that data was 18 months ago. Lots of things out there can explain the variance in the means. It also does not advise how many are repeat or frequent users - only that they visited at least once. I would like to see how many of those users are repeat hits, and constant users. Anyone know if they actually track falsified profiles? 12-17 year old kids certainly wouldn’t lie about their age in an unverified registration page, would they?
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12-17 year old kids certainly wouldn’t lie about their age in an unverified registration page, would they?
I am friending a lot of my daughter’s friends on Myspace just to kind of help keep a watchful eye out on them.

My daughter is 12, and the youngest I’ve seen these kids put on their myspace is 16.
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