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Need help finding the right POS


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I know there is a differnet section for this but i dont think evryone goes through it so im doin it here…Im looking to get a POS, but what kind?..what do you like,not like,price,quality, and service??
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may I be the 1st 2 jump on the Point of Success bandwagon…simple 2 set up & change on-the-fly, while being quite cost effective…

I’ve used most all the others and would NEVER spend the money the seek for their systems & svc contracts…

for less than a few thousand, you can get a 3 terminal system, w/mapping & credit card functions…
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may I be the 1st 2 jump on the Point of Success bandwagon…simple 2 set up & change on-the-fly, while being quite cost effective…

I’ve used most all the others and would NEVER spend the money the seek for their systems & svc contracts…

for less than a few thousand, you can get a 3 terminal system, w/mapping & credit card functions…
Yes, exactly what he said.
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how are you getting it for that price? we’ve looked into a lot of them and they’ve all been over 10,000 and the point of success is the software right? so where are getting the hardware for that price?
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Ebay is your friend. You can also get Dell PCs fairly cheap.
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I did the ebay thing as well, and had no issues at all. Point of Success is the way to go for a starter system.
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Who did you buy the Point of Success license through? There is a distributor in canada that is saying we must also buy the hardware from them. How easy is the software to install and setup if we source the hardware ourselves?
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If you go to and ask to speak with Jeff, he will answer questions and describe how to buy software through them. The whole point is that we can buy the software without having to buy proprietary hardware configurations. My system is a one unit that cost me about $2200 for the 1st computer, printers, touch screen flat panel, and software, and cabling. Subsequent work stations will be less than $750 apiece, if I buy well.

Heck, Jeff might even pop in on this thread and reply.
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Who did you buy the Point of Success license through? There is a distributor in canada that is saying we must also buy the hardware from them. How easy is the software to install and setup if we source the hardware ourselves?
I think this is contrary to the Point of Success stand on their system. I am in Canada and purchased dirtctly from the company. Don’t let the distributor bully you and please report this to Jeff.
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We have a decent technical background, but I want to ensure I order the correct hardware. The networking issues may stump us. Where is the best source for understanding the hardware and networking requirements, directly from point of success website or will the delivered software provide a better source?
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Find a computer geek that will trade setup for pizza. Maybe a college or high school kid. It’s not rocket science, but can be daunting if you don’t know anything about it. PM me and I’ll send you my hardware list. It’ll give you a base to work from.
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I’d love to reply, but it won’t be with a commercial!

You’re doing the right thing in looking for a POS system for your restaurant. I have talked to many restaurant owners over the past few months who are experiencing a business slowdown. They’re tired of it and have decided to focus on the things they’ve always thought they should, but have been “too busy” to do it. I’m sure you have your own list, but theirs have included marketing to their existing customers to get more business, controlling costs, understanding their financial picture, improving their operations, controlling cash, and many more.

I have heard many times from restaurant industry consultants and business experts that what is measured improves. The bottom line is if you measure new customer acquisition, it will improve. If you measure the success of your promotions, they will improve. If you measure add-on sales and compensate your employees for doing it, it will improve. If you measure customer retention, it will improve. If you measure your food cost, it will improve. I could add about 50 more things to the list without even breaking a sweat, but I think you get my meaning!

Here comes a little commercial. Look away if it’s too painful!

Almost any POS system can help you do the things you should be doing for your business. After you decide to do it, who should you do it with? You need to choose a POS supplier who does things like you want them to be done. If you know nothing about computers and you want to just come into your store one morning and have everything set up and ready to go, you need to select a supplier who will do that for you. If you understand a little about computers and you’re willing to do some or all the work to set it up, you can get Point of Success on good quality new computers for about a third of the cost of our competitors. Even if you want to have most of the work done for you, you can still save about half. We have lots of dealers who can give you as much or as little help as you need. Notice that I didn’t mention quality or features because those are 95% identical between Point of Success and the other major pizzeria point of sale suppliers.
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I learned the hard way I tried to put my system together and wasted alot of time and money trying get my system to work. When I had a problems there was no one around to help me and after 6 weeks I put the system in the basement. If you are not computer savy I strongly recommend going with a POS company who can setup everything for you and be there when something goes wrong on a Friday night. It will cost you a little more but your business depends on it. Why gamble with your livelyhood cst don’t want to hear excusses why their orders aren’t ready. There are many POS company out there PDQ, Revention, Diamond Touch & Speedline they all offer Online demo.
I learned the hard way I tried to put my system together and wasted alot of time and money trying get my system to work. When I had a problems there was no one around to help me and after 6 weeks I put the system in the basement. If you are not computer savy I strongly recommend going with a POS company who can setup everything for you and be there when something goes wrong on a Friday night. It will cost you a little more but your business depends on it. Why gamble with your livelyhood cst don’t want to hear excusses why their orders aren’t ready. There are many POS company out there PDQ, Revention, Diamond Touch & Speedline they all offer Online demo.
No matter what you bought, there should be no reason for the system to be sitting in the basement unused! You’re already through the hardest part. Whether you have Point of Success or something else, but especially if you have Point of Success, I would be pleased to help you finish your implementation. No matter what your problem there is help available everywhere if you know where to look.

You can PM me, you can email me at [email protected], you can visit our web forum, or you can call me at (800) 752-3565, extension 102. My advice is free. From there you can decide what you want to do. And I won’t try to sell you anything.
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We have a decent technical background, but I want to ensure I order the correct hardware. The networking issues may stump us. Where is the best source for understanding the hardware and networking requirements, directly from point of success website or will the delivered software provide a better source?
The web site is the best source of information because it’s complete and immediate. You’re welcome to email or PM me if you need additional information – I don’t want to dominate this thread with my posts.
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I learned the hard way I tried to put my system together and wasted alot of time and money trying get my system to work. When I had a problems there was no one around to help me and after 6 weeks I put the system in the basement. If you are not computer savy I strongly recommend going with a POS company who can setup everything for you and be there when something goes wrong on a Friday night. It will cost you a little more but your business depends on it. Why gamble with your livelyhood cst don’t want to hear excusses why their orders aren’t ready. There are many POS company out there PDQ, Revention, Diamond Touch & Speedline they all offer Online demo.
Is that system in the basmement still?..maybe we can do eachother a favor
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Always professional Jeff. I met these people a few years @ the pizza show in New York and i liked the system. However, I chose another pos supplier that had features that Point of Success did not have. POint of Success is great for a starter system as it has alot of great features. You can’t beat the price Jeff!
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I am a lover of Dominos Pizza system and they use Intura (Vision) so that is why I choose them and It is great, definitely recommend it. I started using Intura Vision when I opened my first pizzeria about 5 years ago and now luckily I am opening my 5th pizzeria.
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