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Need help finding the right POS

I use Speedline and it has done very well for me. Yes it was more then some but it has everything I need and more and they did all the set up. When my priceing would work the way we wanted it we wanted it to (we have 2 for 1 discount pricing but is isnt uniform)they could have made it work with an extra step in the ordering process but it wasnt how I wanted it so the easy way around this was to change my menu board prices. The problem with that was it was going to cost 300.00 well guess what they said because they guaranteed their system would work with my price structure and it didnt they paid for me to change my menu board so my prices would be more uniform. When we went live we had a few gliches so the had the tech guy stay for an extra day (no charge) So remember you get what you pay for I paid more then some but I got way more for my money.
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What kinda money for what kind of system with Speedline? Also, what kinda glitches were there when you went live? How long have you had it?

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18k 3 stations Minor glitches like Lunch special prices we didnt enter them in right the first time, missed deposits on soft drinks nothing software related I have had it for 2 years now. The support is great and everything runs smoothly
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No Revention users out there? We are ready to upgrade from our previous system and we are leaning toward them. I know they are a bit more costly but we are a high volume delco operation and I really liked what I saw on the online demo. Any current users out there? Please Im looking for some feedback before I pull the trigger.

Thanks in advance,

Pizza Tony
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I run several hundred tix/night…I can’t imagine paying the high prices for Speedline/Firefly/Revention/etc…Point of Success will surpass your needs & a 5 station set-up is less than 3K w/used/off-the-shelf boxes…
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