Need help sizing our next shop.


New member
For a 60-100 seat, take out and delivery shop what would you recommend?
Which ovens? double 3240, 3255 XLTs or double edge60s, other?
Walk in cooler size?
How many POS caller ID lines?
Make table?

Main concern… I don’t want to under size or oversize.

Several bottle necks we are facing in our current shop:
Current ovens, one-24/40 XLT main oven, and one 18/30 PESI
Cold storage - various fridges under prep tables make line etc but no walk-in
POS/Caller ID terminals currently 2 tills/ 2 lines
Tables fill up during lunch and dinner rushes.

Simple menu: pizzas 8in, 12in, 18in, customize-able bread sticks, chocolate chip cookies, beer, sodas, coffee and tea.

Any thoughts on a sweet spot as far as sizing would be appreciated. Thanks!
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I’m a happy Edge 60 user so I would steer you that way. I switched from XLT 3270’s and saw a dramatic savings in both gas and electricity. I’m also of the belief that the Edge 60 uses no more gas than the Edge 40, so it seems like little downside to “oversize” unless space is an issue.If expense is an issue, consider getting one Edge 60 and putting you XLT 2440 on top. The Edge 60 will probably double or more your current capacity(depending on your mix of sizes and cook times) and you can use the XLT for very large orders or very busy nights.
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I agree with Paul on the Edge 60! I just installed a double stack and am extremely happy I made the switch. I do a slow cook and can do a 14" pizza every 30 seconds. To increase capacity by 50% it would be very easy to add another oven.
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For a 60-100 seat, take out and delivery shop what would you recommend? As to overall space 2500 sq ft
Which ovens? double 3240, 3255 XLTs or double edge60s, other? Edge 60 would be best
Walk in cooler size? At least an 8ft x10 ft
How many POS caller ID lines? At Least 4
Make table? La Rosa 4door

George Mills
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A quick thank you for the timely response Paul, Daddio and George.

Will go with the double Edge60.

George thanks for the other responses. The overall sq ft sizing is also helpful to confirm our own thoughts.
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