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Need help with baked potato idea

I’ve heard the warnings of botulism from wrapping them in foil. If they arent wrapped in anything and kept warm until finished off, would there be any potential hazards? I was assuming they would be “safe” for a couple hours if kept warm.
Just watch your holding temps. I believe federal minimum is 135F now, but I prefer 140-145 for hot holding.

To grow botulinum spores, you need temps between 40-140, and in a low/no oxygen environment,
Wrapped is fine, as long as they are held hot,
to cool them, unwrap them, space them out in a single layer. and get them rapidly chilled to below 40F, rule of thumb is from 140 down to 70 in the first 2 hours, then under 40F in the next 2 hours, with good airflow in a commercial cooler, this is doable
I like to bake taters unwrapped. brushed with a little bacon grease, then sprinkled with some coarse/kosher salt.
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I made “smashed taters” for dinner last night…Cheese, Bacon & Sour Cream…They were so good…
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