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New Mover Program


Active member
Does anyone still have a new mover program. If so, what do you do and who do you use?
We use Moving Targets and have been for over 20 years I think now. Costs $1.80 or $1.90 per mailer. People who redeem the mailer are more likely to go on to order a 2nd time than those who try us cold:
Customer by Number of Orders

50% of people who order for the first time without a mailer fail to order a 2nd time while a slightly smaller percentage (42%) of the mailer redeemers don’t come back.
Even though the 1st pizza was free, they go on to order at pretty much the same rate as other customers:
Avg Sales By Order Count

If anything, the numbers remind me that we need to do a better job of following up with first-time customers to encourage them to order that 2nd time.
I was thinking it would be the opposite based on how small the plastic is. That’s why I’m hesitant to do the plastic. 5.75″ × 8.625" compared to 4″ × 5.2″. The brown paper represents the plastic piece vs the postcard.
New Mover Pieces Comparison