New Movers


New member
Just got back from doing the rounds of Real Esate agencies around my area.

What I showed them was a presentation (in powerpoint) highlighting a joint promotional opportunity based along “moving targets” - their house purchasers or renters who they are finalising the sale or rental and will be moving into our area.

I had a local printer do up a quantity of letters offering a free Family size pizza (15") on the night they move into their home (purchaser or rental). We designed a attention grabbing headline with our logo, a welcome to their new house and the free pizza offer. This was replicated on an envelope. The envelope contains the letter, our menu, fridge magnet and anything the agent wants to include. This is handed over at the time the keys are handed over at pocession of the property.

We have had the letters since September but due to various reasons have not been able to get out and do the marketing to the agents, until today.

The response has been overwhelming positive, especially as the way we worded the presentation made it look as though all the credit is going to the agent and we are just supplying the pizza. No problem with that as the main objective was to get the agents on side to support our promotion.

We called the promotion “New Movers” as this is exactly who we are targetting.

Looking forward to meeting more agents tomorrow and after the weekend.

This promotion has the possibilty to increase our weekly turnover by 15 - 25% as we are the main indie in the area, with the others not doing anywhere near the trade we do. We have a great name for quality and service and by getting people to try us that first time we know we have the quality product that them will return for. This is despite having 2 Dominos, 1PH and 2 Eagle Boys (the No: 3 franchise in Australia) in our area. Our prices are way higher than the chains but our quality is far more greater than the price difference so once they try they will return.

One of the agencies who have come on board suggested I try to get brochures/menu in the local resort as she has a number of interstate clients staying there awaiting settlement of their properties and they tend to do a lot of eatig out as there are no kitckens for them to cook a meal in.

Normally guidelines prohibit outside businesse shaving menus etc (they have their own restaurant) but after speaking with them and mentioning the agent gets people to stay there, the door is now open for us to get into their in room portfolio as the recommended pizza shop. Talking with the manager in the morning to arrange what we can do. Intresting the desk guy for the nightshift is one of our customers and he was raving to everyone about how good our pizzas are.

All in all a great marketing day for us with more to come over the next few days.

Heed the advise of those who post and say to get out of the shop and out there marketing. I have.

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just a quick question - whats in it for the real estate agent??
In reality there is nothing in it for the agent, it’s the way we have worded it and presented it that makes it appear there is a lot in it for them. Maybe they see it as added exposure and advertising that they don’t have to pay for or worry too much about.

They are perceived by their customer of doing something extra for them. Most agents give their client a bottle of wine or a box of chocolates - nothing special or different.

We are giving them a tool to “value add” to their service, plus it appears to the client (initially) that the agent has arranged it and we are the supplier of the free pizza. It also keps the agents name in the clients mind and this will probably lead to referals from a satisfied customer.

We also pushed the point that it costs the agent absoultely nothing - not a cent! All the costs are on us, something which made their ears prick up.

After spending 25 years in sales and sales management I know that selling to a sales person is easy.

The main thing is that they like it and want to get behind it, so they must think there is something in it for them.

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Mate hit them hard in WA.

Offer a 50c off if customers hand in a competitors fridge magnet.

One thing the volume outlets don’t do well is look after their customers. Too busy investing off shore to watch their own backyards. Create a real relationship with your customers and win everytime.

Find out who your top 30 customers are and send them a lotto ticket. Tell them that you think they’re worth a million bucks as valued customers to your business that you can’t give them a million bucks but you can give them a chance to win it. Attach an offer/coupon with the lotto ticket and be prepared for a close on 100% redemtion rate.

When they sit down on Saturday night to watch the lotto draw you can bet they’ll have a slice of pizza in one hand and a lotto ticket in the other. Be prepared this is a powerful promotion nothing kills business faster then not being able to provide a consistently high level of product and service.

Like it, love it and do it.