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New pizza / carryout delivery

Back to the lease.

You need to tie up the location for a lot longer than 3-4 years. Contrary to the point above about landlords and renewals, it is quite common for a LL to really raise the rent on a succesful business simply because they can. They know what it would cost you to move. It also happens that LL’s decline to renew the lease and then turn the business over to a brother-in-law. (happened in the next town over from us)

Ideally, a five year lease with 3 five year options would be my choice. If the first five years seems like too much risk then go with a 2-3 year lease with two five year options.
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You need to tie up the location for a lot longer than 3-4 years. Contrary to the point above about landlords and renewals, it is quite common for a LL to really raise the rent on a succesful business simply because they can. They know what it would cost you to move. It also happens that LL’s decline to renew the lease and then turn the business over to a brother-in-law. (happened in the next town over from us)
We had this very thing happen. Going fairly strong for three years with year to year lease being all we could get. 1st two rent negotiations were all about how much we would make and charging more when we were more successful. Landlord got angry with something we said, jacked up rent 60% . . . next time got angry, non-renewed and sent us on month to month lease. Eventually got 60 day notice to get out. Cost us thousands to pay bills while closed and seeking a new location to build out ourselves.

Tie up the location. Get committments and predictable rent costs. It is far too vulnerable having a short lease and no committment on rent increases. All the power in the relationship would fall to landlord . . . they already have plenty in most situations.
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Opinions please…
Me and a buddy have been thinking about opening a small shop for several years now What do you guys think?
First thing you want to do before you spend one cent is figure out why you are going into business. There are two basic reasons. 1. Love of the business; 2. Return on investment.

Second thing you want to do is write out a complete business plan. You can get a format off the net for nothing. Once you complete it, let you accountant, bank manager and lawyer look it over and see if your plan matches your reasons for going into this business. A business plan will also help you and your buddy decide if its the right thing to do.

Best wishes and Good Luck
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First thing you want to do before you spend one cent is figure out why you are going into business.
CaptSammy, all good points… but you may want to read this entire thread. The guy has been open for almost a week now.
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hehe after a few 110+ hours a week we are looking like we can take some days off!
Man I am tired! but its looking better and better each day… Did I mention I was DEAD tired? hehe…

BTW anyone reading this… the saying IS true, you will work your butt off starting a small food biz…
it is fun though!
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Well I am not dead tired anymore… I AM A ZOMBIE! heheh but we have hired our manager and we are getting more and more buried each day… I have 2 days off! (that’s 2 6 hour shifts) hehe we are going through the normal idiots tax stuff… nothing big but the same… do have one thing… Does any know a prep table repair guru?
I am having some issues with a delfield table… the rail is perfect but the reach in is a pain… I want to trouble shoot it… (higher temps than wanted) <<< rail is fine…
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Glad to hear your busy… :lol:

Have you tried cleaning the condenser? Is it a new machine? I am assuming you have tried to turn it down? You may want to check the fans and compressor. Is there water in the drip pan? If not it may just be freezing up due to high temp outside and constantly running. Make sure to close lids when not in use.
Some others can probably help better than I…Just stuff we have tried over the years.

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Glad to hear your busy… :lol:

Have you tried cleaning the condenser? Is it a new machine? I am assuming you have tried to turn it down? You may want to check the fans and compressor. Is there water in the drip pan? If not it may just be freezing up due to high temp outside and constantly running. Make sure to close lids when not in use.
Some others can probably help better than I…Just stuff we have tried over the years.

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