New Pizza Store- Adverising/Marketing

DO NOT send your EDDM before you open. Who knows what hiccups come up to keep you from opening or being at full potential. What if health department doesn’t allow a seamless change of ownership without downtime? What if your credit card processing isn’t up and running yet? Nothing sucks as bad as losing customers you paid for because you can’t serve them yet. Why rush it, wait till you’ve been open a couple days to drop the EDDM pieces. Pick up the slack those days with some doorhanging or dropping flyers at businesses.
^ this, 10000%

soft opening first. Work out the kinks (because you will have them), then slam the advertising once you get a handle on your operation.
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Great advice in this thread.

As someone who has helped businesses mail over 200 Million EDDM pieces — my advice is to take it slow initially. Split your mailers into multiple drops and gradually increase over time.

Others have wisely noted that there’s no telling what will come up in those first few weeks. The worst possible outcome is to have a ton of eager new customers that get disappointed and bash you online with 1-star reviews and poor feedback.

That would crush your business.

For what it’s worth I have one other bit of advice… Collect customer data 24/7 with everything you do!

Use this data to create customer profiles / accounts and track everything a customer looks at, purchases, and does. Set up your website as a sales funnel: Awareness >> Lead Capture >> Sales

Your customer database will ultimately become the value of your business. It is the gift that keeps on giving. A large customer database will help you reach customers across any channel and much more efficiently target new look-alike customers in the future. There are endless ways to use and monetize that data and you’ll kick yourself if you don’t collect it from day one.

Good luck and let us know how it goes!
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Facebook is pretty powerful. A shop recently opened around here. They sent out post cards to everyone a couple miles around their shop. They did a soft opening and gave away a free pie per house. You had to bring in the post card in order to redeem it.

The line was out the door and all the way around the mall. Insane. They ended up giving away 2,000 pies that weekend of the soft open and had everyone locally talking about them in Facebook. It was non stop for about a month straight.

I would’ve done the same thing, but taken it a step further. I would use a Facebook Messenger chatbot and deliver the coupon through there. That way I can also capture their Facebook, cel phone and email and build my audience in the process. Then I can see who spends good money with me and use that same audience to tell Facebook to find me more people who spend money like the ones I’m giving FB. Chaching!
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…They sent out post cards to everyone a couple miles around their shop… I would use a Facebook Messenger chatbot and deliver the coupon through there…
Exactly how would that work? Are you saying the post card should direct them to Facebook Messenger in order to get the coupon?
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Exactly how would that work? Are you saying the post card should direct them to Facebook Messenger in order to get the coupon?
Yes, with a QR code. Phone native camera apps support them these days so they don’t need to download any software. I attached my card so you can see an example
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