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New to boards, pizza place is failing, need advice

This is all great advice. My little piece of advice is to start collecting names, addresses, e-mail addresses and birthdays. Put a box on the counter and ask them for their info. Use these to do direct mailings. Start a Birthday Club. Give them a FREE pizza for their birthday. Ours is they have to buy two pizzas (any size) to get their birthday one for FREE. Make sure you have an expiration date (the end of their birth month). I send out an e-mail newsletter every 2 months letting our guests know of special events, specials, new menu items, holidays that are coming up etc. These work well for us. Hope this helps.
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Just curious what do you do with the ppl that have their birth day on the last day of their birth month? Carry over to the next month?
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I send out the cards the 1st day of each month. They have the whole month to come in and redeem their card. If it happens that their birthday is on the last day of the month, they would of had the card for the whole month and could have used it at any time. I had a regular guest call at the end of the month and say that they just got back from a family vacation, was going through their mail and was wondering if they could use the card next week. I said “Absolutely”! I wasn’t going to turn them down because they are a regular guest. They were extremely happy! It all worked out! We don’t specify the exact date of the birth - just the month.
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Snaowman where in Nashville are ya?
24 and bell road, hickory mall area.
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I hear what you all are saying…5000 in a day? I know, I’m sure not all of those are actually getting hung on a door and that is a big part of our problem. We have a group of 5 gentlemen that are supposed to get the 5000 flyers out each time. My husband drives through the neighborhood after they pass them out to kind of scan through and see if he sees them on the doors and he does, but then again, how MANY does my husband actually see? I don’t know. We are going to try some other marketing techniques and see what the results are…lets keep our fingers crossed.
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I hear what you all are saying…5000 in a day? I know, I’m sure not all of those are actually getting hung on a door and that is a big part of our problem. We have a group of 5 gentlemen that are supposed to get the 5000 flyers out each time. My husband drives through the neighborhood after they pass them out to kind of scan through and see if he sees them on the doors and he does, but then again, how MANY does my husband actually see? I don’t know. We are going to try some other marketing techniques and see what the results are…lets keep our fingers crossed.
Don’t wonder if they are getting 5000 out in a day - know this - they aren’t!!

We would expect someone to do AT MOST 100 per hour with households being close together.

100 x say 7 hours = 700 x 5 guys = 3500 - thats quite a lot less than 5000 and thats still pretty good going.

If you want to know who many that can be done - go to an average area and spend an hour and see how many - then you’ll know.

If they are telling you 5 guys = 5000 per day - I just don’t believe it!
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Unless you have someone responsible with doorhangers(manager you trust, partner or owner) the job will never get done the right way.

Instead of riding around to see whether or not they did it, your husband should be going out WITH them and see it get done for himself.

Five guys dhing can get out 3,000 dhers max. And that would be if they put in 7 hours. After 2 hours dhers become less effective and there hourly output drops considerably.
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I note that you posted that you lost school business because some of your pizzas were under baked some over baked. That type of inconsistency can kill a pizza business. If you can get that type inconsistency in your bake that may be the source of your problem.

I can only assume from that statement that you are probably baking on deck ovens but if you are using a conveyor what make is it? A conveyor should bake every pizza the same.

George Mills
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