Our “hook” is why we are different. We are local, one of a kind. We use quality ingredients and have unique products. We support community efforts.
Name recognition, who we are, what we do, how to find us is the main message.
Advertising is a long term project not a short term fix. Concentrate on reaching new customers and giving them a reason to buy from you. That reason should be something other than price, ESPECIALLY starting out. If you advertise nothing but price you are telling the consumer that price is the reason to buy from you. There is no bottom to that game.
Think Chinese water torture… drip, drip, drip the message falls; quality, different, local, quality, different, local, quality, different, local…
With all that said, the special offers I like best are value added or ones which drive a higher ticket average. We give a free pint of Ben and Jerry’s with a 16" two topping pizza or a six pack of 12 oz sodas. We also have a $2 carryout special.