A Little Caesars I know expects to break their Halloween record of 500 pizzas last year!
Remember, Mom and Dad are trying to get the kids ready, they aren’t cooking. And its got to be fast, because it all happens after they get home from work. I would do box toppers and emails the two weeks before, so you can get it in Mom’s head that you’re the plan for dinner that night, and she can check that off the list!
I don’t imagine too many folks will use that night to try something new…so broadbased advertising like newspaper or doorhanging might not give the best ROI. Reach out to your customer mailing list with postcards, or better yet email (its cheaper or free), twitter, facebook, text message, etc.
Go into Saturday with MAX prep, and make sure you staff up for the rush Saturday, probably from 3-sundown. Then at sundown, its pretty much all over with, cut’em all loose. Plus there are so many kids on the neighborhood streets, the driver might take double time after dark for each delivery.
The corollary to this is the week prior, especially Friday, might be slower, as people move their pizza night to Saturday. You might relook at the schedule that week and trim here and there to afford heavier payroll on Saturday.
Good Luck