Thanks for the excellent input. I plan on paying 6/hr plus 1.25 per delivery plus tips. With taxes it adds up to around $300/week. I will be charging 2.50 per delivery, and splitting that with the driver. If I can net jut 75 deliveries per week, it would offset the above cost by 93.75 leaving 206.25 in additional payroll. My insurance will jump $30 per week (1500/yr). Sales tax and food cost, on the high side, comes to $410/wk. That leaves 410+206.25+25(for anything that I might have forgot). By my calculations, that leaves me with $358.75 additional profit per week. Even if my addition is off by $40-50, it is still a $300 dollar per week profit x 52 weeks = an extra $15600 profit per year. That is a nice piece of money for me in this small market.
On another note. I ALWAYS try to be conservative in my estimates. I fully expect those numbers to be the minimum, and at that rate is still definitely worth doing. Lets try two other scenarios. The first being raising sales by 2k per week (40% increase), and the next 4kper week (80%) increase. The 40% increase seems to be a reasonable one, based upon other pizzerias prior experience, and the 80% is beyond my expectations, although it has been done by pizzerias.
40%: Additional labor 600wk including taxes (some added inside hours also), food costs (high side) including tax 820, misc 100/wk =1520-2000=480 profit/wk 480/wk profit x 52 = 24960/yr
80%: Additional labor 900wk, FC 1640, misc 250= 2790-4000= 1210wk 1210*52= 62920 year
As all of you know, these are just numbers. They mean nothing without some way of backing them up. If we can start off with the 20% increase, and grow to the 40% increase, we would be very happy. Of course we will strive to meet the 80% goal.
Id enjoy more thought and opinions. Thanks!