New member
Hi there, I am, in the next 8 weeks going to be a new pizza store owner… I am rounding up my business plan right now, and sooooooo stressed out I cant even think right now. When I started on this “adventure” I thought, oh what a great idea, I would love to do this…food is my passion, and so is business. being in the business world for years. Here is the thing, there are so so so many details im getting boggled. Please tell me that working on my business plan, sweating the details will make things easier for me, and that when the business starts alot of the little picky things will start to come into place!! I am not thinking that things will be smooth, just that somethings will just come natural and not seems so damn complicated!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Rant done, thanx for listening…
Stressed Canadian,
Rant done, thanx for listening…
Stressed Canadian,

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