Olives/Invoice Audit


New member
I’m in the process of doing an invoice audit. Anyways, I wanted to see what everybody is paying for a case of black olives. We are using Ron Son and are paying roughly $40/case for 6 #10 cans. Its awfully high and I’v been watching it for awhile, since we used to pay $28/cs…

I have also calculated the usage of olives out of a #10 can to be 68.2 ounces of actual product, after its drained and the can is discarded.

What are others paying for olives and how much actual product are you calculating that comes out of a #10 can?
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I paid $32.45 yesterday for Ron Son sliced black olives. Up just over $5 per case from a year ago.
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I buy mine by the bag, they come in 1 or 2 pound bags, can’t recall which now, b ut I get ten bags in a case and it’s running me about thirty two bucks per case
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we are paying 28.60 per case of 6#10 cans they are del destino brand
Thanks for the replies. I guess thats what I get for being lazy and not watching my invoices closer… Damn…
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how many oz of olives come in a #10 can, with the bags I buy I get 33 oz per bag, I’m only paying .65 cents a pound. Bags are much easier to store if you don’t have lots of space
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how many oz of olives come in a #10 can, with the bags I buy I get 33 oz per bag, I’m only paying .65 cents a pound. Bags are much easier to store if you don’t have lots of space
Well. I drained out all the juice and weighed just the olives. I came up with 68.2 ounces of actual usable product out of the #10 can. So with this calculation, I’m paying $1.63/LB. Wow… 🙂
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Another interesting item on my invoice… clear plastic 2 oz portion cups… They went up $10/case over the past year… from 39.99 to 49.89.

Anybody else purchasing a similiar product that wishes to share their price? They are packed 10/250 ct.

Man this hurts… Lesson to all… Spreadsheet your invoices weekly, no matter how much you trust your rep 🙂
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I’ve been buying my olives from Sams. Better quality than what
I was getting from my food suppliers. Also $1.00 per can cheaper. Don’t remember the exact price, but they havn’t gone up in a year…
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Another interesting item on my invoice… clear plastic 2 oz portion cups… They went up $10/case over the past year… from 39.99 to 49.89.

Anybody else purchasing a similiar product that wishes to share their price? They are packed 10/250 ct.

Man this hurts… Lesson to all… Spreadsheet your invoices weekly, no matter how much you trust your rep 🙂
All our plastic products went up in the last 9 months due to the price of oil.
Our first increase was about 5% due to freight then it went up again as a manufacture cost increase.

You will find that any item that has plastic in it has or will go up due to the higher manufacturing cost associated with using oil by products. An example is Coca Cola who have had two increases in 8 months both stated the increased cost of plastic, aluminium and sugar.

Funny thing is that now the price of oil has come down a fair bit the price hasn’t moved on the products that went up.
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Olives 6-#10 cans = $28.00
2oz Plastic Souflee Cups 2500ct - $24.49 @ Restaurant Depot
my order came in Tuesday. Lindsey brand olives. 6 cans = $55.72!

And not even a kiss.
32 for the cups and 35 for the lids-2500/2oz. That was yesterday.
The olive crop is ruined for this year. There may be another crop later in the year, but it’s not going to be fast or big if it happens. Right now, the canner for the private label olives we get has told the wholesaler that there is no more. Period. But, the local guy has something like 1600 cases already in house, so our price of roughly $38 is sticking for quite a while.
He’d thought it was going to happen with tomato products too, and did a similar stock-up on puree, paste, and crushed tomatoes, but the residual effect of the hurricanes in Mexico weren’t nearly as bad as feared. Still, it’s nice to know our supply is solid and stable. hehehe :lol:
Pay $37.72 for 6/#10 cans. I specify California Olives because they are much better tasting than the spanish imports, so I am about 5 bucks per case higher than I could be.
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