Hi, hope you can help. First the required background… Small take out and delivery pizzeria, small town Canada. Menu is regular pan cooked pizza, wings, pasta and ribs. Largest volume in one hour was 25 orders. Currently using an old Bakers Pride 541 electric deck oven. Problem is oven can not keep up with those “slammed” periods. Limited by the following… No gas or propane possible. Must be electric. Have maximum of 60 amp circuit at 240v single phase available. Can not increase the footprint of my current oven ( 45"x66" ). Have to be able to cook more in a shorter time (minimum of 8 14" pies at a time). I keep coming back to the Doyon piz6. Why do I not see this oven around? It uses less electricity, cooks more pies per hour and costs a lot less than a conveyer. What am I missing? Can I use my pans in it? Can you tell me about another product that fits my needs? Any advise greatly appreciated. Clive, Pizzability, Sooke, BC,Canada.
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