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oven education: how high the temp?

Hi Gnfanatic:

Over the years we have furnished stones for their revolving ovens to several banquet type facilities. They felt the stones gave them a darker bottom but I do not recall any claims for improved taste.

George Mills
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What time or temp do you recommend for a delivery operation with a pan pizza. We are currently baking at 535/6:25 and 550/6:35 in our MM360 double deck oven.We have toyed with the idea of cooking at a lower temperature but don’t want to sacrifice quality in doing so. Our pizzas actually cook better in the bottom oven (lower temp, shorter bake) and our calzones bake great in each oven (we only run 1 conveyer/day typically). Any suggestions?

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In a delivery situation you want the bake that will provide you with the heaviest bottom bake you can get. A fast hot bake might make for a good pizza, but once it sees all that hot, moist air in the box, and the insulated bag, it will soon turn to something more closely resembling pasta than pizza. This is not to say that the more heavily baked pizza will always hold up better, but it will at least have a fighting chance.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Putting stone on the shelves of your Fish oven won’t influence the taste of your pizzas, but it certainly might have an influence on the crispiness of your pizzas as well as the time required to bake them (shorter) and possibly at a lower temperature (cost savings).
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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A few years ago I worked with a fellow in Texas who was baking his pizzas in a stone heqarth type oven, gas fired, operating at 700F. His bake time was right at 2.5 minutes. His problem: Pizzas are crispy when they first come from the oven, but within a minute or so they are as soft and limp as a wet bar towel. We had to reduce his oven temperature to an honest 500F, extend the baking time to nearly 6-minutes before he got the pizza he wanted (one that would remain crispy for at least 5-minutes) Ultimately, he sold the stone hearth oven and bought a Q-Matic. Remember what I always say about matching your oven to your concept as well as your product.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor

I was told by a well-know pizza girl, who makes 400 lbs of dough per day, to tailor my dough to my oven, not the other way around since ovens vary whole lot from manufacturer to manufacturer…
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