To build on what George has said, you would be surprised at how fast you can lose your lunch trade, when people come in on a time line and can’t get served in what they feel is a reasonable amount of time because you can’t bake the pizzas fast enough. The same thing holds true at the dinner hour when they aren’t on the time line, but they’re hungry and want to be fed, like NOW. If you can’t quickly serve those pizzas, some will sit and wait at your tables, while others, possibly without tables to sit at, will maybe wait a few minutes, but they will soon leave. The longer those people need to sit at your tables and wait, the fewer table turns you’re going to achieve that day, and that costs you big money, not to even mention the loss of business from those who walk away due to the long wait. Then, to compound all of that, you begin to get a reputation as the place where they have great pizza, but you have to wait forever to get served. Oven capacity is a big part of the survival story today.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor