He hit the nail on the head with moderation.
There are some of our customers that literally order pizza EVERY DAY that I worked when I had a full time schedule.
You know that they are eating the whole pie if they’re ordering again the next day.
There’s no telling what other stuff they are putting in their stomachs along with the pizza, too.
And, as I’ve said before…perhaps not here…but I know I’ve said it in person.
Nothing makes me more disgusted than to see people ordering pizzas with double meat and double cheese and taking off all of the veggies, except for maybe fresh mushrooms (probably have the nutrition content of cardboard haha) and possibly black olives, which we all know, too many are quite fattening.
It’s that type of “childish” eating that is leading to obesity, coupled with the lack of exercise that people now get compared to even 20 years ago.
Everyone (my family included here) are so focused on sweets and treats type eating that nobody knows what is really good for them.
If parents model enjoyment on eating healthy things, so will their children.
We adopted our kids, and it is SO frustrating for them to always BEG for soda, or if I bring in a box of little debbies to last for a 2 week span, they’re gone, literally, in 1 or 2 days tops between hubby and the kids.
So, I don’t buy it anymore, and sodas are off limits except for ONE a day. That just takes away the arguments, you know.
Had they been my biological kids, they’d have only had soda as a birthday treat, along with sweets (as it was when I was a kid). I may be fat, but I can’t stand sweets…but my fat is all hormonal, not from eating too much.
Soda and sweets were a REAL treat, NOT an entitlement or an expectation daily.
Okay, off my soapbox for now haha.