Ms. Diva,
Me and three other OWNERS(people that still own pizza shops) were discussing POS systems when you came barging in asking about ‘spit bailing’. Now, as important as explaining ‘spit balling’ and not ‘spit bailing’ to you was to us, we pressed on. Then you called snowman an idiot !
Exhibit A:
GT[9:27:44 PM]: there are certainly some of those and i can check that with our POS
GT[9:27:52 PM]: yes td
paul7979[9:28:28 PM]: only 2 POS systems I know of catalog by address as well as phone number
paul7979[9:29:05 PM]: you can export to spreadsheet and sort and see how many dups there are
GT[9:29:37 PM]: point of success can search by phone, name or street
paul7979[9:30:21 PM]: but if I give you new phone # and same address, will it tell you the record exists already
PizzaDiva Has entered the room
paul7979[9:31:03 PM]: hello PD
PizzaDiva[9:31:03 PM]: Does anyone know what “Spit bailing” means?
GT[9:31:08 PM]: no, and neither will any other
mattbau43[9:31:14 PM]: nope
PizzaDiva[9:31:15 PM]: Hey Paul
GT[9:31:30 PM]: until u put that in the system
paul7979[9:31:34 PM]: Revention and InTouch POS will
paul7979[9:31:57 PM]: spit bailing, never heard it
PizzaDiva[9:32:12 PM]: I read it in a post by Nick
PizzaDiva[9:32:16 PM]: spit bailing
PizzaDiva[9:32:22 PM]: rather interesting term
PizzaDiva[9:32:28 PM]: I’d like to understand it
paul7979[9:32:44 PM]: how did he use it
PizzaDiva[9:33:01 PM]: sorta like…I am not spit bailing here but
PizzaDiva[9:33:10 PM]: its in the post about coke and pepsi
PizzaDiva[9:33:31 PM]: and the idiot that posted low scale shops use bottles and cans
PizzaDiva[9:34:22 PM]: I am thinking he used it in a fun sort of way which is why I am so interested. The dude is funny
GT[9:35:07 PM]: just out of curiosity paul, does that help to have that feature? and if so why?
paul7979[9:35:54 PM]: I don’t use either system but I like the feature
paul7979[9:36:13 PM]: I have many addresses that have multiple phone numbers
GT[9:36:17 PM]: but what do u like about the feature?
GT[9:36:26 PM]: as do i
paul7979[9:36:45 PM]: by having them sorted like this, I can do lazy customer mailings
paul7979[9:37:34 PM]: without this, I send someone a “haven’t seen you in a while” card when they ordered from me yesterday, just from a different number
GT[9:38:05 PM]: i will have to check if mine duplicate addys
td_VP192[9:38:27 PM]: that’s why we’re sending more generic postcards
td_VP192[9:38:59 PM]: I’d rather send the postcards and make sure ppl that haven’t orderd get them
GT[9:38:57 PM]: how does it handle cell phone calling from different addresses
GT[9:39:20 PM]: i agree td
GT[9:39:51 PM]: and if someone who ordered yesterday gets a deal, well, that’s ok too
PizzaDiva[9:39:58 PM]: ok, if you guys figure out what spit bailing means, let me know! Ciao
td_VP192[9:40:18 PM]: yeah, it’s a bonus for them then
GT[9:40:16 PM]: maybe it should be spit balling
PizzaDiva Has exited the room
Very helpful Ms. Diva ! We need more contributors like you on this board. Worry less about me and check yourself.