pizza cheese spreader

I see them on ebay from time to time. If I had to find one today, I would start searching by calling all of the restaurant equipment dealers that sell used Middlebys on ebay. The reason I would start with them is many of these places got their ovens from Dominos stores that have either closed or renovated with new equipment. Northern Pizza Equipment, AMS, PESI, MF and B are a few I would start with.
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Hi pizza1

The devise you seek is manufactured exclusively for Domino’s

Occasionally they appear used as stated above.

George Mills
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I was thinking there was a company at the pizza expo last year that made a similar one to that if you goto the expo site(yes I know that it is not linked to this magazine just hoping it will help pizza1) you can go through the list of vendors and it gives their websites (if the ebay search fails) and yes maybe 6 or so pop on ebay a year.
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Just curious…

Why do you want one?

I’ve been forced to use them in the past & as a first point of contention, they are an expensive piece of plastic. Secondly, durring a rush, they are very inconvienent to use. The cheese clumps in the contraption, forcing you to take time out to clean and unclog it once in while. In the middle of a hectic rush, many pizza makers do not do this, and the cheese comes all out in one heap in the middle. Thirdly, it does not necessarily do a great of a job as a measurement tool for cheese. Most of the time, you end up being either way over on usage or way under–I guess in the long run, it evens out, but leaves for an inconsistent pie.

Really, I’m not trying to dissuade you. This has just been my experience, and wondered if perhaps you’ve had better luck than I.
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I, too, in the past thought about using/getting one…but…

you must use diced cheese only…for a while, all I could buy is a shredded product(s) that met my desired flavor profile…

then I began to shred/blend my own & still was unable to use such a device…

but years ago, I worked for a company that used a diced product that was tolerable…we used a small 8 oz cup to portion…1 cup for a 12" pie…2 cups for a 16" pie, etc…

the cup was inverted and sprinkled…works quite well once you get the hang of it…

now you just need to get a VCM to dice the cheese!!!

I’d still do that today if I had a VCM…excellent product coverage & a method to portion…sort of…lol…
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