Pizza Dough Ingredient Ratio


New member
Can anyone please help me out on this. In a dough recipe(lets say for discussion sake we are working with 350 oz flour and a ratio of 56% water=196 oz) is the any other liquid ingredient considering like water? For instance, if someone puts lets say 5 oz oil and 5 oz eggs, that equals 10 oz, is that 10 oz subtracted from the water ration so that you may reach a percentage of 56%(186 oz water + 5 oz oil + 5 oz eggs=196 oz)?
And is it the same with dry ingredients like salt/sugar/baking soda/dough conditioner?
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If you look in the recipe bank you will notice the recipes there each have a percentage for all the ingredients including water,oil etc. You do not reduce the amount of water by the other liquids. These percentages have already taken into account the properties of all the ingredients so you need not make adjustments.

You may want to look at Tom’s dough information center follow this link there is a very informative FAQ page there.
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If you plan to modify an existing dough formulation to incorporate oil and eggs, you will usually have to adjust the formula hydration. Tom Lehmann recently discussed the effects of doing this with oil at . With respect to eggs, a whole, raw, fresh egg contains about 76% water. The rest is mainly fat and protein. You will have to adjust the formula hydration for the water content of whatever eggs are added to the dough formulation. In your case, 5 ounces of fresh, raw eggs will contain 3.79 ounces of water.

When adding dry ingredients to an existing formulation, hydration adjustments in the opposite direction (increase) will usually be needed, depending on the nature of the dry ingredients added and their quantities. For example, if you add something like vital wheat gluten, semolina or cornmeal, just to mention a few, you will have to increase the hydration to compensate for the addition, especially if they are substantial. Adding normal amounts of a dry ingredient, such as salt, sugar, baking soda, etc., won’t usually affect the hydration in a material way. In practice, I think you will find that you need to do some tweaking of ingredients in the mixer bowl to get the desired overall results.

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Thank you for the input guys,I’ll tweak the percentages around and hopefully that will adjust the finished product. 😃
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One question concearning the eggs. I weighed 10 eggs to get an average weight(I used small eggs). Each weighed in at 1.75oz-1,80oz,giving an average weight of about 1.7 oz. Now according to your numbers each egg is about 76% water, so those 10 eggs will be 13.45oz(are the yolks counted as anything,they are at about 4oz)? What about the pre-mix water when using compressed yeast. I read that you should use 3-4 times the weight of the yeast,in water. That would be about another 10-12oz. That should be subtracted from the water %?
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If you have a dough formula calling for 350-ounces of flour and 56% absorption, the TOTAL amount of water added to the dough is going to be equal to 56% of the weight of the flour (350 X 56 press the “%” key and read 196-ounces. If your formula also contained 10-ounces of whole egg, then you would need to take the water content of the whole egg into account too, In this case whole egg is considered to be 25% solide and 75% water, so there would only be 7.5-ounces of water in the egg. This would be subtracted from the 196-ounces, so it would now show 196-7.5 = 188.5-ounces BUT the percent will still be the same at 56%. If the dough contains oil, say at 5%, we do not make an adjustment in the absorption for the amount of oil used, however, doughs made with higher amounts of oil will typically exhibit a LOWER overall dough absorption than doughs made with lower oil levels. Other dry ingredients are already taken into account when establishing the initial dough absorption, but if you were to increase a water absorbing ingredient, or add one, such as vital wheat gluten, then you would need to make an adjustment to the absorption value to correct for this. Foe example, if you were to add 2% gluten to the dough formula, you would need to add 3% additional water. That 3% would be based on the total flour content. Buy the way, gluten has an absorption of 1.5 times it’s weight, so 2 X 1.5 = 3. That’s where the 3% additional water came from.
Any of you who will be in our class next week will be getting all of this information first hand during the lecture portion of the class.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Thank you for the information Tom, I’ll start adjusting the ratios next batch. What about the water for the pre-mix for the yeast? Should that be subtracted from the original water % also?

On another note, I would have loved to come down to the AIB Pizza Production Course, but due to certain responsibilities and obligations I cant. Will there be another one any time soon?
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This is a once a year course. The next one will be offered about the same time next year. The exact dates have not been set yet.
Yes, the water that is used to hydrate the yeast (ADY only) must be considered as part of the total water, so if 6-ounces of water is used to hydrate the ADY, this amount would be subtracted from the amount being added directly to the bowl.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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