Pizza Expo Virgins right here!


New member
My husband and I are heading down next week for our first Expo. Spent a bit of time this afternoon reading over the pamphlet and schedule and are now somewhat confused. Not overly but enough to warrant a few questions.

We noted that some of the seminars cost money - such as the one by Jim Laube (How to turn your good restaurant into a great business). Since we are still in our first year of business things are still a bit tight (our parental leave $$ is over now!! lol!) So that being said, are any of the seminars free?

Personally, I am interested in quite a few of the marketing ones while my husband would be more interested in the dough and general cooking ones. Insight on this would be great.

We are currently offering New York style pizza with a softer crust which has gotten us some very didicated customers, however we have been considering moving into pan pizzas as well and have no experience in that area or market.

Our local food rep is coming with us - does anyone have any idea if he can “share” a pass with me as I am only there for 2 days of the show? My husband will be down for the whole thing, but someone’s gotta keep the ship afloat at home! We are just trying to see what the options are and have things organized prior to heading down as best we can.

We read in the forums that we should sit to the right near the food and drinks for the “Beer & Bull” - count us in! We’re hoping to get a lot from the show & looking forward to our first “days off” since last year! :mrgreen:

–Erica Warlow
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The vast majority of the seminars are free. If you can make it to the Monday 11:30AM New Operator/First Time Attendee session (FREE) you will get a ton of great information. Make sure you also attend the Keynote sessions(FREE) Tuesday and Wednesday mornings 7:45AM.

I can personally recommend sessions by Scott Anthony (FREE), Christine Corelli (FREE), and Dan Collier (FREE).

I would also strongly recommend buying the DVD that gives you all the session recordings for $179. You get all the free sessions that were running while you were in other sessions. I put it on my ipod and listen to the sessions while I do my yard work 🙂

The Dave Ostrander Sessions which cost extra are not happening as he has medical issues that prevent him from attending.
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Awesome - Thanks!

My husband just noted that it shows in our printoffs that some are free, which is great. The CD idea is good too as I frequent the iPod when I’m at my 9-5 job.

Where in Alberta are you? Ahhhh I can’t wait to escape the cold to Vegas 🙂
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No reason to pay for any of the seminars. There are so many free ones that offer tremendous info that you already won’t be able to catch all of those, so don’t worry about the ones requiring a fee. My suggestion is to plan your seminars ahead of time and see as many different speakers as possible. I would not suggest attending three different seminars put on by the same person as you will likely hear much of the same info over and over. I’ve not attended any of the cooking seminars so I can’t speak to those but be sure your husband knows that The Dough Doctor is a regular on this board and can answer most questions here. Don’t skimp on time on the show floor. You’ll run across many good ideas and some great bargains. Make a point of getting to know the representatives of the companies that you already use(equipment companies, food manufacturers ect) as well as those you might be using in the future. I try to make sure to walk the whole show floor each day I’m there and I inevitable run across things I missed the previous times I walked the floor. I wish I was going but I’ve got too much going on so this will be the fourth expo I’ve missed in my 15 years as an operator.
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Erica, since you’re new in the business and interested in marketing - you should look into Kameron Karington’s book. It’s called Gun to the Head. I got mine on Amazon for like $20. Two of the people Daddio mentioned, Scott Anthony and Dan Collier have both said at their seminars that Kamron helped them be successful. I thought his “black book” was a bit pricy at $600 but I made that and then some in the first month! A lot better investment than some real estate books for a lot more. You should see if you can get one. Unfortunately he isn’t at Expo anymore, which really sucks because he is the best there. I don’t fall asleep during his seminars. Big Dave was good too, but everyone is saying he’s not going to be there.

Good luck and don’t get overwhelmed - but good for you in reaching out to others!
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As paul7979 suggested, do your best to walk the floor slowly and see all there is to see (multiple times if possible). There is a great deal of information to see and digest. It may be a good idea, as others have suggested in the past, to make a pre-show checklist of what you hope to accomplish.

If you ask questions, chat with other folks, and accomplish your “to do” list, you are guaranteed to have an excellent experience.

See you in Vegas!

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Our local food rep is coming with us - does anyone have any idea if he can “share” a pass with me as I am only there for 2 days of the show?
No sharing of passes is permitted. Why is your local food rep going with you? Does he/she work for a vendor who supplies other pizza places in your area? If so, then his/her company should purchase their pass, as the Expo will only help to boost sales for other restaurants as well.

And yes, we’re looking forward to some warm weather as well. Poolside for at least half a day with a good marketing book is considered a “business expense” isn’t it? 8)
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You and the hubby should split up… ok that doesnt sound right, what I mean is you should each attend different seminars as there are so many good ones, go through the schedule and pick the ones that you want to focus on, how do you want to build your business are you looking for marketing ideas? do you need help with hiring? are you interested in learning how to cater? Go through and make a list of the semminars you want bring lots of note paper and take down as much info as you can. You will be overloaded with information so when you get home go through your notes and pick 4 of the top ideas and use them dont try to do everything at once. Also do not miss the Beer and Bull session this is one of the best ways to hear some great ideas and to ask questions, and dont be afraid to ask questions everyone is there to help each other and it doesnt hurt that Pete buys the beer!!
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Thanks for the insight everyone!

As for the food rep - we have become good friends with him. We are not buying his pass but, lets say we are cheap - just looking for the best deal. He is easy going, doesn’t seem overly concerned about stuff and Im not sure what was decided on that front.

I had thought we should split up from the start - yea that doesn’t sound right either does it?! :lol: But as I said, he is more about the actual pizza and as I’m taking my business degree (concentrating on marketing) Id be happy to find out some new ways to market us. I do love the idea of a checklist as there are definitely some things we want to find out for sure.

I’m tired just thinking about this “vacation”!
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