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Pizza Phone Systems

I am in the middle nowhere in northern Wisconsin, and I have been using Charter Cable for phones for 7 years, we had one outage that lasted maybe an hour at most.
The motel next to me changed to charter 2 years ago when he saw the success we were having compared to our local phone provider.
the phone company here wanted $60/line with a 2-year boilerplate contract . Charter has done me right.
But I am not in a major metro area with heavy traffic, so that may be the difference
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We are not a Pizza Phone System customer, but rather there are (were) one of our customers. They purchase the routers and hotspots that get installed at their customers restaurants. The person that places orders with us is Josh Rowe the owner of the company. Ever since we extended terms to him, he consistently doesn’t pay his bills. We cut off his credit a few weeks ago and he tried to purchase through a leasing company so that he can still purchase - we said no, pay your bills first. He always has a story on why he is late in paying. One of the addresses he used for his orders was a UPS Store and another was “Quick Bail Bonds” address. I called the Quick Bail Bonds place and sure enough, Josh called me back immediately and was angry that I called this place. Why are you using their address on your orders then? We are giving him 7 more days to pay his balance and then turning this over to our attorney to sue him in court (which he will lose) for all past due balances, finance charges, court costs and attorney fees.
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We are not a Pizza Phone System customer, but rather there are (were) one of our customers. They purchase the routers and hotspots that get installed at their customers restaurants. The person that places orders with us is Josh Rowe the owner of the company. Ever since we extended terms to him, he consistently doesn’t pay his bills. We cut off his credit a few weeks ago and he tried to purchase through a leasing company so that he can still purchase - we said no, pay your bills first. He always has a story on why he is late in paying. One of the addresses he used for his orders was a UPS Store and another was “Quick Bail Bonds” address. I called the Quick Bail Bonds place and sure enough, Josh called me back immediately and was angry that I called this place. Why are you using their address on your orders then? We are giving him 7 more days to pay his balance and then turning this over to our attorney to sue him in court (which he will lose) for all past due balances, finance charges, court costs and attorney fees.
DANG! Salty??? he must be quite the jerk to make you mad enough to search the web, create an account, upload a picture, and post on a thread that’s 3 months old. but hey, you are a fellow Illinoisan…so screw that guy!
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We are not a Pizza Phone System customer, but rather there are (were) one of our customers. They purchase the routers and hotspots that get installed at their customers restaurants. The person that places orders with us is Josh Rowe the owner of the company. Ever since we extended terms to him, he consistently doesn’t pay his bills. We cut off his credit a few weeks ago and he tried to purchase through a leasing company so that he can still purchase - we said no, pay your bills first. He always has a story on why he is late in paying. One of the addresses he used for his orders was a UPS Store and another was “Quick Bail Bonds” address. I called the Quick Bail Bonds place and sure enough, Josh called me back immediately and was angry that I called this place. Why are you using their address on your orders then? We are giving him 7 more days to pay his balance and then turning this over to our attorney to sue him in court (which he will lose) for all past due balances, finance charges, court costs and attorney fees.
I know we’re late to the game on this thread but my recent experience with Josh Rowe and Greg Rowe at Pizza Phones compelled me to do a search. Apparently, we’re not the only ones they have pissed off. Their customer service is terrible; they treat their customers like trash. They are argumentative and have a horrible attitude. And they are never accountable for anything they do; it’s always someone else’s fault when something goes wrong. We regret using Pizza Phones. What a mistake!