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Pizza Pot Pie

If this turns out to be a part of my menu, then timing will be a huge challenge . . . probably par-baking and finding a heat sync to speed up center reheating.

A convection type oven would be the solution to this, and I don’t have one yet. We will, but not yet. One or two options for the thing, and keeping a few on hand may be the way to go. I already have my 6-burner’s under-stove at about 400F for sandwich heating . . . this could help me. But the 20 minute thing could hurt. It appears the laws of physics still work in my kitchen as well . . . no magic grits 😃
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I have a little commercial regular oven that we use for miscellaneous stuff, and COULD do the pot pies in it. I’m thinking perhaps we could par-bake 'em properly, and do a quick re-heat in the pizza oven when ordered? I definitely can’t use a product with a 20 minute or longer cook time.
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I have a little commercial regular oven that we use for miscellaneous stuff, and COULD do the pot pies in it. I’m thinking perhaps we could par-bake 'em properly, and do a quick re-heat in the pizza oven when ordered? I definitely can’t use a product with a 20 minute or longer cook time.
There’s no quick reheat option. Pies that thick require time to get the innards all melted.
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Even with a convection oven at a little lower temp, you are probably looking at 15 to 18 minutes to bake these.
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I would be curious to know if you could par bake and then use a flash bake oven for these pot pies. I think they would get the job done on the inside very well.
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