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Pizza Sauce 101

It’s all woprding, my friend. Customers know about it because we tell them about it. It’s marketing. Instead of using FRESH in your sauce descriptor, you can talk about the nostalgia of a family recipe that has been handed down for generations. That’s the sizzle that Royce talked about. Get all sentimental and appeal to the emotions . . . that’s wy you guys are sold on it . . . sell them on it. If you asked ten customers in a marketplace full of places using fresh packed tomatoes, then you better get a bunch who know about it, or someone isn’t educating the customers well.

The most important key is to connect with the customers where they are. Get their emotions involved to some level to get some interest and sense of loyalty. If Great great grandmother made the sauce, then customers can identify with family tradition and committment to memories of ancestors. I don’t have that, so I talk about fresh packed tomato, best quality ingredients I can afford, and top level spice supplies that no one else in my county can emulate.

Bottom line information for you to know as a recipe developer . . . . the more times you heat (cook) a tomato, the less it is going to taste like a tomato. Good, bad or neutral, it is important to keep in the back of the mind. It makes product substitution simpler and recipe development clearer. A sauce cooked twice will possibly benefit from a little sugar and vinegar to enhance the essential tomato flavors left in the sauce. A fresh packed product will have a more raw taste in case you are looking for that slow-simmered taste in a sauce.
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