Several of us on this forum really value freshness of the tomato flavor in our sauce. That means a couple of things are important to us like fresh-packed tomatoes as the base (I am a Stanislaus shop); high grade herbs and spices with limited salt and usually no sugar; and the ONLY time our sauce is cooked is when it is on the pizza in the oven. That’s our thing, and we make good sauces amongst us.
My sauce is canned tomato product, a little water, herbs and a whisk. No salt, no sugar, no cooking. You can do a really good pizza with just crushed tomato, some basil and oregano and a spoon. You may be tempted to shy away from the bigger named premium tomatoes on the market because they cost a couple to a few dollars more per case. If you do the math, the ‘good’ products will cost maybe 6 cents or so more per pizza when all is said and done . . . .that’s a lot of flavor return for 6 cents. Those products use minimal heat in processing, work all year to get the best fruit from the best fields come harvest time, and they are committed to having the best products available to pizza shops. I picked Stanislaus 5 years ago from an ad in a pizza magazine, and have never been happier with any other decision . . . their service is top shelf, and products outstanding. Take the chance and see if your supplier will give you a few cans for samples. Any number of us can give you recipes to start out with.