It’s been great so far.

I’ve been a member since it started and it has been great. If anything, it will save you a lot of money. Kamron has negotiated deals with a number of companies to get you the similar prices that the big franchises get. One example would be his “million dollar letter” mailing which I’m sure you’ve heard about. If not, it’s a really well worded, personalized letter with some great offers that is direct mailed and it pulls an amazing return rate. Well anyways he has negotiated a price of 31 cents per letter. This price includes paper, envelopes, printing of letters (with colored signature), printing of envelopes, folding, stuffing, mailing list, printing of customers name and address on envelope, and postage. This deal alone has saved me so much money. I send around 2000 letters out a week and it used to cost me almost double that with my local printing company. You will also save money on a variety of other things such as menu’s, email marketing, postcards, flyers, box toppers, hot zone marketing, competitor attack programs, etc. There is also a lot of informative articles and audio interviews on the website. If any questions feel free to ask. I feel it’s definitely worth the money.
Re: It’s been great so far.

I was ordering menu from CFM and asked the owner if I can get it cheaper than what I am paying right now if I was a member of a Pizza Partner and she said you are getting it cheaper than them. I don’t think she said it to make me feel good.

It seem like you get a percentage off from a regular price. You can get it for same price with the promotions they are having if not cheaper than PizzaProfit
If I am wrong customer of PizzaProfits can correct me with the pricing they get from CFM.
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Re: It’s been great so far.

“she said you are getting it cheaper than them”

WOW! thats great. Kamron claims to be cheaper or similar to the big franchises and you have’m beat. I hope Kamron does not make big commision off his clients.
Re: It’s been great so far.

How much did you pay for your menus?
Re: It’s been great so far.

Can you be more specific on pricing.
What do you pay for
Advo and what size piece
direct mail
hot zones
and and all info would be helpfull.
Re: It’s been great so far.

I was specifically talking for CFM menus, I don’t know what pricing you are getting from other advertising methods but I paid .04cents a piece for 100K menus. 8x17
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Re: It’s been great so far.

I was wonderin what you guys pay for 11x17 menus from CFM?
Isn’t the shipping really expensive from Canada to the states?
Whats cost per piece incl. shipping?