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Please help, I am in the process of buying a pizza place

let’s clear something up about nancy’s, for starters. when was the last time you saw them rated as anybody’s favorite? they use the same press release from 1979 and pretend the sun times said it last week.

aurelio’s does the same thing …“best pizza…pat bruno” yeah, maybe in 1982, when they made pizza the right way. these places are just “whores”. no franchisee understands about BAKING pizzas, they just put pre-cooked toppings on a crust they have know idea what’s in it, and then set it down on a conveyor and watch it cook like a whopper at BK.

sorry about my harshness to these undeserving places, but it’s the truth. nancy’s stuffed is good, i’ll admit. their thin is poo. and i don’t know what your boner is with aurelio’s. sweet sauce on a soggy crust, to each their own.
top 5:
let’s clear something up about nancy’s, for starters. when was the last time you saw them rated as anybody’s favorite? they use the same press release from 1979 and pretend the sun times said it last week.

aurelio’s does the same thing …“best pizza…pat bruno” yeah, maybe in 1982, when they made pizza the right way. these places are just “whores”. no franchisee understands about BAKING pizzas, they just put pre-cooked toppings on a crust they have know idea what’s in it, and then set it down on a conveyor and watch it cook like a whopper at BK.

sorry about my harshness to these undeserving places, but it’s the truth. nancy’s stuffed is good, i’ll admit. their thin is poo. and i don’t know what your boner is with aurelio’s. sweet sauce on a soggy crust, to each their own.
I like Aurelio’s, but it is not my favorite. But reality is what it is, I cannot find any ranking that does not have it in the top 5. Not a single one. So while you may not love it, people in Chicago do. And it is not debatable.

I think your letting your personal tastes get in the way of reality.

I HATE Malnati’s, but I cannot argue with its popularity.
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top 5 (anonymous) writes:
let’s clear something up about nancy’s, for starters. when was the last time you saw them rated as anybody’s favorite? they use the same press release from 1979 and pretend the sun times said it last week.
aurelio’s does the same thing …“best pizza…pat bruno” yeah, maybe in 1982, when they made pizza the right way. these places are just “whores”. no franchisee understands about BAKING pizzas, they just put pre-cooked toppings on a crust they have know idea what’s in it, and then set it down on a conveyor and watch it cook like a whopper at BK.

sorry about my harshness to these undeserving places, but it’s the truth. nancy’s stuffed is good, i’ll admit. their thin is poo. and i don’t know what your boner is with aurelio’s. sweet sauce on a soggy crust, to each their own.

I’ve just a quick question and then I’ll let you go on to your debate with DFW about who’s got the best pizza in Chicago:

Which one of these top 5 places do you own?

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i don’t own any of them. it just bothers me that company’s us press clips that are 20 years old. honestly, i’d milk it too.

i’m also an anti-chain guy, that’s where some of my road rage comes from.

i’m all calm now. have a great day
top 5:
i don’t own any of them. it just bothers me that company’s us press clips that are 20 years old. honestly, i’d milk it too.

i’m also an anti-chain guy, that’s where some of my road rage comes from.

i’m all calm now. have a great day
9 times out of 10 that I go out to eat it is not at a chain, for the most part, I do not like them either.

Reality is what it is though, most people perfer chains.
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DFW PizzaMan:
top 5:
Reality is what it is though, most people perfer chains.
I don’t think they PREFER chains…they GO to them because they are familiar, and because they are HERDED there by effective marketing. Our customers (those of us at independants) are people who THOUGHT about it, and TRIED someplace, and now know they PREFER it.
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DFW PizzaMan:
top 5:
Reality is what it is though, most people perfer chains.
I don’t think they PREFER chains…they GO to them because they are familiar, and because they are HERDED there by effective marketing. Our customers (those of us at independants) are people who THOUGHT about it, and TRIED someplace, and now know they PREFER it.
I didn’t say they prefer the taste, I said they prefer to go there, and to be honest, some probably do prefer the taste. Judging by the numbers, it is obvious the masses prefer to go to chains.
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scott… what kind of rates does your company offer?

I think i’m paying through the nose right now.

.22 cents each transaction
.25 batch fee
5.00 statement fee
1.79% visa/mc %

50% swiped 50% keyed in.
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This IS NOT apples for apples but, based upon what you laid out, our pricing will save you money.

Cost Plus 8 cents (if your V/MC avg ticket is less than $20)
$0.00 Statement Fee
$0.20 Batch
Rates begin at 1.03% (small ticket debit), 1.19% (restaurant rate).

Cost Plus is the Best way to be priced.
Simply explained: EVERY processor in the US owes Visa/MC Interchange (aka Cost) We pass those Costs to you (WITHOUT Markup) and charge 8 cents to handle the money.

You can view interchange rates at both Visa and Mastercards websites, they have links to PDF files that shows the interchange.

I would be happy to provide you with an analysis. I have already helped numerous owners from this site put some hard earned money back into their pockets.

If you could fax me copies of the past 2 months of your processing statements I will e-mail you an excel file with the analysis. Nothing happens without your permission.

Please fax those to 866-335-9422 attn: Scott Smith

If you or anyone else has questions please give me a call on my mobile.
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OK scott…

lets see…

i have a transaction for $15.00.
based on your restaurant rate of 1.19%

visa/mastercard get .179

your company gets .08 cents. plus the batch fee at the end of the day of .20

so i end up with $14.541 after everything?

there is no per transaction fee, no statement fee, no other hidden costs. Does the rate change if it is a keyed in entry versus a swiped one?

Any other members on this site to back this up?
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Send me an email and I will send you the Interchange Chart.

There is more to the puzzle.

Interchange is actually 1.19 +10 cents (This amount goes to Visa and the issuing Bank).

Let me rephrase that:

1.19% + 10 cents goes to the Issuing Bank (Credit Card Issuer) Visa Receives .0925% We, RBS Lynk, Charge 8 cents.

Therefore your example should be:
$15 times 1.29% + 10 cents + 8 cents

for a total charge of $0.3735,

SO $14.63 is your approx net.

Based upon the numbers you quoted our program would save you 11.5 cents per transaction (an approx 22% reduction in fees)
$15 x .0179 + 22cents = $0.4885

By analyzing your current program I can approximate, within 2-3% error, how much we will save you. Trust me when I say this, if I can’t save you money I will tell you. If I can save you money, I will ask for the opportunity to do business with you.

Cost Plus is very complicated but it will save you money.
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Oooo, I’m getting excited about all this math! Rob, I LOVE your products as so much of my business comes from working with merchant services reps.

All you pizza shop owners, just as Rob can help you with exhorbitant unexpected costs, so can I. I handle payroll (actual checks/direct deposit), payroll taxes, quarterly returns, deposits, W2s/3s, 1099s/96s–the whole kit and caboodle. My fees are fixed based on number of employees and frequency of pay.

I teach many franchise owners Payroll 101 since each state is different in its filing and deposit requirements, not to mention those crazy Feds. Since my main job is to keep small business IN business, we (Paychex) take on all liability for timely deposits and returns. Not filing quarterlies or making semi-weekly or monthly deposits late is one of the leading causes of small businesses going under. One in Three Small Businesses incurs a tax penalty related to payroll every quarter! Paychex goes to great lengths to help owners focus on making and keeping your money.

I can also setup worker’s comp based on actual wages, not “estimated”, so LOTS of savings when you have a zero balance at the end of the year!

I am more than happy to help anyone if I can and offer assistance on payroll responsibilites across the country. Again, I do this in every state and even Germany, so I have the resources to take care of you on a local level.

Let me know if I can help you or someone you know!

Nicole @ Paychex
top 5:
i don’t own any of them. it just bothers me that company’s us press clips that are 20 years old. honestly, i’d milk it too.

i’m also an anti-chain guy, that’s where some of my road rage comes from.

i’m all calm now. have a great day
I really never said what my top 5 is, and part of that reason is because my top 5 is more like my top 1 and then everything else.

Papa Del’s pizza in Champaign, IL is easily the best pizza on earth. And it is the best by a very wide margin. I spend the roughly $100 they charge to mail me one pizza at least twice a year. Any other U of I grads on here know exactly what I am talking about.
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DFW PizzaMan:
Papa Del’s pizza in Champaign, IL is easily the best pizza on earth. And it is the best by a very wide margin. I spend the roughly $100 they charge to mail me one pizza at least twice a year. Any other U of I grads on here know exactly what I am talking about.
DFW PizzaMan, I’m not sure if you’re still around… you haven’t posted in a long time. I just stumbled across this very old thread from a link on another site regarding Aurelio’s. Not sure how I didn’t see this posted at the original time.

I had no idea you were a U of I grad! Same here!

Just wanted to say yes, you are right on target on Papa Del’s. That pizza is phenomenal and one of the many things I miss about Champaign. I truly loved the time I spent in that city and at the University.

Long live the Chief, and let “Juice” be on for Saturday against Michigan.
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