Pos systems... what’s everyone using

You could still go through a leasing company if you were interested in the system. Wouldn’t have to pay in full up front
Just curious, I’ve been wanting to check food tech out. Would you mind letting me know how much it was? I really need a good system that works well with online ordering
Back when I got a quote for both foodtech and Speedline they were very comparable in price. We ultimately ended up with Speedline, 3 stations was somewhere around 16k including on site installation (chop off a few k to install yourself and have them set up remotely).
i have had them for approx 15yrs so I am sure prices have increased…the biggest difference is in the way they charge for online ordering not the hardware, etc
We tried switching to Speedline recently. Was super excited about the opportunity. But they would not let us self install. I tried explaining to the sale rep that I am very computer and network literate, and have two family members that went to school for IT and currently work in the field (one is the director of IT for a hospital, the other does IT for the school). Despite that he told me that the cost of them flying their team from Canada to Florida to do the install themselves was non-negotiable. Forced us to double down on Hungerrush / Revention who we were at our wits end with.
Did you escalate that to anyone else in the company. That doesn’t seem right to me. If that’s thec way they are handling it now I’m really aggravated about it. That’s not how they should be handling it
I am pretty sure Speedline does require your first install be done with there install team and then after that you can do self installs. For what its worth the installer will stay for several days and do tweaks, make sure everything is running smooth, and help train your staff on the pos system. In regards to NEEDING them to do the hardware install, no if your relatively computer literate its a very simple install, just network cables and a firewall.
As much as I hate to hear that and disagree with with their stance on it, I do feel the system itself will pay for itself, including that added cost. PM if you need any more info
No, I didn’t escalate it. We were sort of on a time crunch and had to make a decision one way or another. I don’t / didn’t doubt that there was some benefit to it, but outside of the hardware installation (which we were more than capable of doing ourselves), anything else could have been done over Zoom or remote desktop connection. We might take a look at them again in the future, but it was disappointing that we were ready to make the purchase on the spot if they would’ve let us self install, and they wouldn’t.
You’d think with covid going on, they’d be less willing to be sending employees out on the road.
Steve, Clownhair and UncleNicksPizza, you all make really good points. Thank you for your feedback, I’m going to take your comments to our product management team, so that they can be added to their discussion.

Clownhair, you are right, our Installation, Training, & Support Specialists are based in the US. We have an office in Washington state that they work out of.

Thanks for reviewing the information. I definitely understand the logic and reasoning behind this requirement, but there are definitely certain circumstances where exceptions should be made. Perhaps some kind of waiver may be applicable. We were definitely very disappointed, because we were looking forward to the switch. From a business owner’s standpoint, it felt a silly thing to lose business over.

I appreciate you responding. I’m always recommending Speedline to people. I think you’d get more first time customers if you did allow customers to self install.
I have used Thrive for years as GM of local place and like it very much. (Some good, some bad things)

My wife and I are opening our own shop soon and intend to use it.