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Printer Setup Help

They will all tell you they do, but most will just separate the deliveries into zones. I remember when I was talking to the Revel sales reps they swore that the system would do everything and I would never have to dispatch a driver again. I doubt that’s the case, but I never got far enough with them to find out for sure. None of those guys had any experience actually using their system so it was hard to believe anything that came out of their mouth.
I use Thrive POS and it works pretty similiar to how Steve describes Speedline’s system, except it uses google maps instead of bing. At any terminal, you can see deliveries pinpointed on a map along with real time traffic from the dispatch screen. Makes dispatching a breeze. Also calculates the mileage of each delivery or route (if more than 1) if you wanted to reimburse your drivers by the mile rather than by the delivery.
Same with Speedline with these features too. Just the Bing/Google difference. It really does make it a breeze

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With LiveMaps by Speedline you’ll see pinpoints in real time with Bing Maps. We have a 32” Tv at both locations to view this. A friend of ours put in a 50” or 55”. It won’t specifically show you what two go together, but by seeing it on the map, you can come to your conclusion rather fast on that. It also has the pinpoints turning White (new order) Yellow (after 15 minutes in store) and Red (after 30 minutes in store) to show you that you can either wait to double those deliveries or to say, that one is red, it needs to go I can’t wait any longer. (Colors and Timing algorithms are able to be adjusted for your liking) additionally, Speedline’s dispatch works off of bing maps live traffic to give you a very accurate return time for your driver so if you time your deliveries, the food will almost always be as hot as possible when getting to the customer. Maybe Someone from Speedline will read this and reach out to you. I think I’m very accurate in my answer, but technology is always changing


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Wow! Thanks for the detailed answer sounds like that would make my life so much easier. That traffic feature would come in handy all the time
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I don’t think any pos system can easily route deliveries. Only a good delivery dispatcher really knows how to.
My pos has color zones on the map to make it a little easier.

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I’d love to go to bump bars but can’t figure how to go without tickets on the line. I.e. you have 25 pizzas coming down the line with some normal, some easy sauce, some easy cheese, some extra cheese, some a “thinner” crust, some 1/2 extra cheeee, etc. How does someone on the line know which is which without tickets attached?
We use Prism too. All those cooking instructions are right there on the makeline screen. We have done it that way now nearly 19 years and it is not a problem. The pizza maker making the pepperoni, mushroom, onion knows it is thin crust with light sauce because it says so in red right there under the size and the toppings.
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I’m probably not being clear. I understand how the bump screens work (used them in other operations). If one person skinned, topped and put their pizza in the oven the screens make sense. We have one person pumping out skins and other people topping. A cook may be topping, need to stop and help out with the oven or pasta station and come back to 5 pizzas ready to be topped. Or someone else jumps back into the topping line and doesn’t know which is which.
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I’m probably not being clear. I understand how the bump screens work (used them in other operations). If one person skinned, topped and put their pizza in the oven the screens make sense. We have one person pumping out skins and other people topping. A cook may be topping, need to stop and help out with the oven or pasta station and come back to 5 pizzas ready to be topped. Or someone else jumps back into the topping line and doesn’t know which is which.
I agree tickets are much better for when your Friday night rushes when you have multiple people on the make line. We recently switched to a kitchen display system. For us, the benefit of not having to navigate through a big pile of tickets in the kitchen and the cut table outweighs the benefit of having a ticket right with each order in the kitchen. My ideal setup is bumping a ticket and having it print at both kitchen and cut table. Just waiting on a software update from my POS company so I can have that ability.
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I agree tickets are much better for when your Friday night rushes when you have multiple people on the make line. We recently switched to a kitchen display system. For us, the benefit of not having to navigate through a big pile of tickets in the kitchen and the cut table outweighs the benefit of having a ticket right with each order in the kitchen. My ideal setup is bumping a ticket and having it print at both kitchen and cut table. Just waiting on a software update from my POS company so I can have that ability.
You could also use screens with a VGA splitter to as many screens as you need for that area of the kitchen. Not sure how you guys do tickets. Sounds crazy to me! Everyone has their method that works though.

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You could also use screens with a VGA splitter to as many screens as you need for that area of the kitchen. Not sure how you guys do tickets. Sounds crazy to me! Everyone has their method that works though.

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I thought about that, but an extra screen and wires will just take up more space when we’re already cramped. When we were using tickets, we would put the ticket with the last pizza to an order. That way the person at the end loading the oven could throw in any sides and check the pizzas for accuracy. Worked really well, except when 20 tickets start spitting out at a time then it just gets messy. The thing I’m really after with the kitchen display is to slow down the speed the orders print out to the speed we’re actually making them. Just tap a button when you finish a ticket and the next ticket prints out sort of thing. Also will keep everything in order on the cut table.
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Pizzapirate, to help us keep track of the light sauce/extra sauce pizzas we put a small piece of green pepper on the edge of the crust, for light cheese or extra cheese, we do the same but with a black olive on the edge of the crust. This not only helps us keep track of them on the makeline, but coming out of the oven as well.

As far as your tickets, do you print a separate ticket for every item, or just a single ticket for each order?
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I thought about that, but an extra screen and wires will just take up more space when we’re already cramped. When we were using tickets, we would put the ticket with the last pizza to an order. That way the person at the end loading the oven could throw in any sides and check the pizzas for accuracy. Worked really well, except when 20 tickets start spitting out at a time then it just gets messy. The thing I’m really after with the kitchen display is to slow down the speed the orders print out to the speed we’re actually making them. Just tap a button when you finish a ticket and the next ticket prints out sort of thing. Also will keep everything in order on the cut table.
We do something along those lines except that the tickets print as the order is placed. The screens get the food to each specific station and the tickets just go right to the oven. Hang them up and look for accuracy/to complete each order with all items. Pick up tickets get a chit, not a full receipt, whole deliveries are full receipts that get passed to the delivery drivers

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Just finished another insane friday night. I wish I could be a fly on the wall on a friday night at some of your stores.
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Pizzapirate, to help us keep track of the light sauce/extra sauce pizzas we put a small piece of green pepper on the edge of the crust, for light cheese or extra cheese, we do the same but with a black olive on the edge of the crust. This not only helps us keep track of them on the makeline, but coming out of the oven as well.

As far as your tickets, do you print a separate ticket for every item, or just a single ticket for each order?
We seem to have a little different setup than most. Orders print out into groups. I.e. all pizzas in an order print onto one ticket, wings to another, salads to another, etc. We use a big rotating deck oven (can hold 30 16” pizzas at a time). We have a timer board with 5 or 6 timers per shelf (6 shelves). The timers sit on ticket rails. The tickets stay with the pizzas until they go in the oven and then are put on the timer board. When the pizzas come out of the oven the tickets are taped on the boxes.

I can see having a bump screen for expeditors making sense, but not really working elsewhere (not alone anyway).
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We seem to have a little different setup than most. Orders print out into groups. I.e. all pizzas in an order print onto one ticket, wings to another, salads to another, etc. We use a big rotating deck oven (can hold 30 16” pizzas at a time). We have a timer board with 5 or 6 timers per shelf (6 shelves). The timers sit on ticket rails. The tickets stay with the pizzas until they go in the oven and then are put on the timer board. When the pizzas come out of the oven the tickets are taped on the boxes.

I can see having a bump screen for expeditors making sense, but not really working elsewhere (not alone anyway).
You’re setup gives me a headache to think about haha. More power to you for doing the volume you do with that process. Trust me, I’m not critiquing your process, to me and what I’m used to, it sounds very confusing but you sound like you have it down pat! I couldn’t imagine working off of tickets at the makeline and then transferring them over to the cut table. I definitely enjoy hearing about everyone’s processes though, every now and then you can find a tidbit of information to tweak your own operation!

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We seem to have a little different setup than most. Orders print out into groups. I.e. all pizzas in an order print onto one ticket, wings to another, salads to another, etc. We use a big rotating deck oven (can hold 30 16” pizzas at a time). We have a timer board with 5 or 6 timers per shelf (6 shelves). The timers sit on ticket rails. The tickets stay with the pizzas until they go in the oven and then are put on the timer board. When the pizzas come out of the oven the tickets are taped on the boxes.

I can see having a bump screen for expeditors making sense, but not really working elsewhere (not alone anyway).
Thats almost exactly how I learned to do it and the setup I used in my store. Im fed up with it though, too many moving parts.
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Well, guess that’s why we share what we do here. We may learn something, change something, improve something . . .
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You’re setup gives me a headache to think about haha. More power to you for doing the volume you do with that process. Trust me, I’m not critiquing your process, to me and what I’m used to, it sounds very confusing but you sound like you have it down pat! I couldn’t imagine working off of tickets at the makeline and then transferring them over to the cut table. I definitely enjoy hearing about everyone’s processes though, every now and then you can find a tidbit of information to tweak your own operation!

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Cruise around on youtube for a while and watch other places pizza kitchens in operation. Many great lessons in what “not to do”. Of course, if I put video of my operation online I could also teach people what “not to do”.
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You know what’s funny… how different all our ops are.
Back in 2002 we were having a big Christmas party and I wanted the entire crew there so I said I’d run the store and a neighboring Domino’s store crew would come to my store and run the night with me as MIC. So… me (my store) and drivers, csrs, pie makers, etc from the next store over.
Within an hour it turned into a HORROR show (I STILL… STILL remember that night of hell) EVERYTHING was done differently… Domino’s to Domino’s… one store (town) over… it was unbelievable how differently things were store to store. At around 7pm I pulled the plug, threw everybody out and went home; Just a horrible night.
Now, that would happen less now- if at all- as DP is on one POS system and there is NO difference store to store but… back then… lots of in-store operational differences.
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it was unbelievable how differently things were store to store
And this is why I would rather hire someone with NO experience in the industry over someone who worked for one of the chain stores.
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