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Prism POS


This question is for anyone using Prism POS, especially if you have the “online ordering” integrated with it.
Paul7979, I know you’ve been planning on doing just that. Have you done it yet? If so, how it going so far?
Also, you mentioned some stupid things about the system, could you please share the “not so good experiences” you’ve had.
Anybody else who has Prism and wants to share their experience? I thank you all in advance.
Ps. Does anyone know if Point of Success will have online ordering capability anytime soon.
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we use prism and we love it. i don’t have the online ordering, but earlier this year we integrated the credit card system and it has been great. the customer support has always been good to us. let me know if you have any questions.
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I have not started using the online ordering module as of yet. I’ve been very much slacking as far as getting a website for my store going to link the online ordering to. They have completed the programing for the online ordering so it’s just a matter of getting the website going.

As far as Prism as a POS system, it’s just different from what I’m used to. It was slow to get ready to install, but the more I use it, the more I’m glad I made the switch. I would 100% reccomend paying for them to come install and train you. I didn’t and still haven’t learned to use the inventory features. They are happy to do phone training, but again this is an area I’m a slacker in.

As far as the “stupid” features I refered to in a previous post, most I’ve come to like, or at least live with. I don’t like the driver routing screen as much as my previous system.
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I used Vital Link prior to this. I chose Prism because our companies busiest store uses it and the two other busiest stores that I know the owners of use it. I just couldn’t ignore the fact that these stores doing such tremendous volume were happy with it. Prism was also quite a bit cheaper than many of the other systems I considered.
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We have used Prism for over nine years in our delivery location. Support is outstanding. The system meets our needs nicely. Our volume varies a lot during the year. At our peak volume, we run 5K per day out of that location. We have a six station system (manager, driver, makeline and three order stations)

Mike is the best.
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Could you Prism users give me an idea of what your system configuration and what you paid?
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Not sure what you mean by configuration. Our system is six stations as described two posts up. We also have a label blaster and a receipt/runslip printer and a standard office printer. The stations except for the makeline all have touch screens. (buy your touch screens on ebay for a small fraction of the price) The hardware is all Dell and comes with the Dell three year warranty. Operating system is Windows.

The last time we re-did our system (after 5.5 years) it cost about 12K for new machines. That included the upgraded software package, three year warranty from Dell and one year of support but not monitors or printers (we kept the old ones). I think the original system was about 17K.
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Thank you guys for your inputs. I’ve already spoken with Tim, and should hear back from him sometime Tuesday about a quote. I already have all my hardware configured, since I was already using my other POS.
The two questions that concern me the most relate directly to the “MARKETING” aspect of the POS.
First one is about “Online Marketing”, by capturing and sending emails to online subscribers. I was answered partially by Tim, he said that all emails can be imported to another application, which then can be used to send out online coupons and so on… I really like to know if anyone had done this before, using Prism.
Second question is about “Direct Mail Marketing”: How good is the software at populating and organizing customer database? If anyone has done direct mail marketing using their Prism database, I really like to hear from them as well.
Once again, I thank you all guys. You are truly a great group of people.
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