Prolonging Dough Life


New member
Any suggestions on how to extend the life of dough? This dough will be used for pepperoni rolls that I will be placing in several convenience stores in a few weeks. They will be on a retail counter (at the cash register) at room temperature. I’m concerned about maintaining a quality product that will be okay for a few days in a bag at room temperature. Anyone know of any secret preservatives? 🙂
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it can’t be at room temperature, your health department would never let that fly, best your going to do is have it in a cooler and then they can reheat it but its not going to be a very good product. just my opinion.
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oh and the most important reason I forgot to add, that could seriously make someone sick…am I missing something here??? maybe I am, I’m anxious to see what the other people respond to this???
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after 4 hours out of temperature control . . . meat has to go. There could be some magic out there, and the department of agriculture could be involved with wholesale foods like you propose . . . labeling, handling and other regulations. May want to check on that.
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Yep, if it has meat, and or cheese, refrigeration, or irridation.
Approach with caution. Know what the state and local laws are regarding what you are about to do (sell your product from a remote location (where it is not made). Its one thing to sel it from your store front, and it is an entirely different thing to sell it from a C-Store or some type of grocery store.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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