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Prompting for tipping?

Without straying onto whether tipping is a “Good Thing” or not, I will say that the best case is for the management and entire team to create a culture of superlative service as their means of encouraging tips from customers.

I have definitely found that the customers most enthusiastic about tipping are the ones who recognize the big picture, full team efforts to make them happy and feel valued. It’s a pretty tall order to hit that mark every time all the time, but creating that environment and hitting that mark more often will generate a higher overall tip revenue . . . at least it did in our smaller market. In markets with more competition I wold think it would be easier to stand head and shoulders above competitors, since you have more than one. Having mediocrity to reflect against is a HUGE resource in the marketplace.

Still gonna have t/ose that tip the same no matter what, those who will not tip at all . . . . and the 80/20 principal will most likely carry into this arena as well. Make the most inpact on the ones most likely to be influenced by the effots.
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Oh the joy of living in a non tip society where the government decrees the minimum wage, annual CPI increases in wages, late night wage surcharge (10%), Saturday wage surcharge (50%), Sunday (100%) and Public Holidays (150%). What do we get for the surcharge - nothing but the same staff doing the same mediocre job. On the whole most staff in the hospitality industry (excluding high class restaraunts or massive volume outlets) working full time hours, or just working weekends, are making more than owners. This is indisputable and is widely published in industry reviews.
Tips are paid on quality of service, although people are now paying tips regardless now that we are frequently traveling society visiting places where tipping is the norm. Tips are not part of the wage system and any received are a bonus to the person receiving them. Personally I only tip for exceptional service as I know how well they are paid and if the do the job then they have earned their pay, if they are poor management is informed and if they are good then they get tipped. I look at tips earned, not a “give me” for just doing their allocated job.
PPGG I would ask do you tip the garage guy for fixing your car, or the shop attendant at the supermarket for putting your groceries through faster than the others etc??? Pigs aRse you would, so why would you expect people to tip you for just delivering your pizza. You didn’t make it, provide exceptional service in driving it to them. The truth be known if questioned most customers would probably think the tip goes back to be shared by all staff involved - the order taker, the pizza maker and the driver. May be wrong but I think a lot would think this way.
My drivers get occasional tips and are grateful for any received. If I heard of any trying to manipulate a customer to tip they would be fired on the spot. We live and die by our service. People will buy average food time after time from the same place (Dominos, Maccas, Taco Bells etc or even an average Mum and dad operation) but stuff up on the service and you lose them forever. Tipping doesn’t mean you automatically give good service so the point that someone may want to make that tips make good service is shot down first, i.e. drivers getting tips. And the same goes for comments that drivers are the face of the store is a load of crAp as well. In the most the lowest denominator in any store is the dishy and the drivers. In my 7 years owning the store I could count on one hand drivers who stood out from the pack.
As I said I and our workers are lucky we live in a non tipping society, although workers get it far better than us “greedy owners”.
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Not to beat a dead horse, but I see tips as a lousy feedback system. It seems like it’s expected that you give a good tip, regardless of the quality of the service. (I tend to give a good tip no matter what, so I’m not viewed as an asshat, or God forbid I’m in a hotel and I have to come back to this place and I don’t want my food tampered with.) If you get bad service and leave a lousy tip, the recipient undoubtedly mutters some expletives under their breath and they probably haven’t a clue as to why they got a lousy tip. As a manager in a non-foodservice industry, I’ve noticed most lousy performers don’t know they’re lousy performers or know what they’re doing wrong unless you sit them down and tell them. As a manager or owner of a restaurant, tips or a lack thereof probably give you little to no useful feedback as well.
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Not to beat a dead horse, but I see tips as a lousy feedback system.
It actually is beating a dead horse unless you go the next step and relate it back to the original poster questions relating to tipping before eating in a buffet situation, the pre-calc stuff at bottom of credit card printouts or employees making statements to customers with intent to solicit tips. We aren’t on this forum going to change the national practice and tax code regarding tips and wages, so we always end up in a snarkfest with no meaningful progress. I’m sorry what I meant to was ALWAYS.

Hey, I know I was off topic pretty far, too . . . trying to help get it back on track and stay out of snarkfest path.
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In order to keep this thread ON TOPIC I have split the thread. Those who wish to debate the Tipped Wage issue please go to the other thread.
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In order to keep this thread ON TOPIC I have split the thread. Those who wish to debate the Tipped Wage issue please go to the other thread.
I appreciate the fact that you decided to split the thread rather than just delete the debate.
This thread has been edited and locked. Please use the Think Tank as a place for constructive discussion instead of a forum for arguing.

Thank you,
Liz Barrett
PMQ Pizza Magazine
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