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RANT: School Principal says you cannot say Merry Christmas

Hi! Rick… 😛 That is a good one…so sad that it is true. We should all email that principal a Merry Christmas note and attach that cartoon! :idea:
Having 2 kids in college and several others working for me, I see all the new edgy stuff.
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I wanted to add a final update to this posting…

As I posted here, and on other sites I belong to, this Principal received an inordinate amount of CHRISTMAS cards from around the country which subsequently caused her to apologize to the students during the morning PA announcements.

As I can appreciate her reasoning for the need for “sensitivity”, I did not agree with the fact that she was denying these kids First Amendment Rights.

We had a New Years Eve party at our home where many of my daughters friends attended and during the party we took the time to discuss this situation and was quite amazed at the understanding these kids had and how they all had an opinion.

Thanks to those here who may have sent cards and to all a Merry Christmas and Profitable New Year.

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Pizza Makers,

Are you kidding me!!!

It just so happens that my child goes to this school. Don’t 'ask me how I know who you are, but I did eat (at least I USED TO EAT) Mandy’s Pizza in West View, so I figured it out.

I called this principal, because it just didn’t seem right. Did anyone else bother to check out this BOGUS story? I’m guessing not! She explained that one father did email her and say that someone (he would not say who) on the staff had told a child NOT to say “Merry Christmas.” She did not say this! The blogs reports are incorrect.

She also explained that she decided to clear up any misunderstanding by going on the public announcement address system to correct any misunderstanding and tell students that they had every right to express their religious beliefs, and this includes wishing others a “Merry Christmas.”

I have seen this principal at Catholic services every Sunday. I’m not sure if she received your mean-spirited cards wishing her “Christian” tidings, but shame on you. She doesn’t deserve this kind of slander. If you had called her - Mandy’s Pizza- you would have learned the facts too.

I probably WILL NOT support your establishment, nor will I suggest it to others without an apology to this principal.

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Well…um…you ARE incorrect since my daughters very good friend was the FIRST of the students to be corrected and I WAS privy to the conversation.

As for who I am…I wasn’t hiding it at all.

As for you frequenting our business…I JUST checked my customer records and you have never purchased from us BUT since I am a professional I will not get into who you are and how you know us. This is NOT the place to blow smoke.

As for my daughter and her beliefs…I trust my daughter AND the 8 of her friends who all discussed this at our home…in person…with facts…and one being the one of the first told that they should not say Merry Christmas, and her parents were one of the ones who asked for US to send Merry Christmas Greetings after we clarified the story AND how others were advised of the same.

In closing, we ALL have our opinions and quite frankly I teach my children to have morals and beliefs and to say that we are lying, or fabricating this story ONLY sheds more light upon those with skewed opinions.

Regardless, whether this was a loud correction or an uttering, my child along with the others are to be taught their rights…AND BELIEFS. For someone to even make the inference to not say Merry Christmas was in bad taste and poor judgement.

Quite frankly, I’m proud not only of my daughter but her friends as well since this was probably one of the most intelligent conversations had with 13 year old girls.

So a sincere Merry Christmas to you.
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“Wow” in that seeking an explanation/clarification from the Principal should have been ahead of “righteous indignation” and “form pitchfork mob” on the list of initial reactions?
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Yes having it 100% correct all of the time would be great… but something happened here to start with. This type of attack on anyone’s rights is out of control. Nothing said here was offensive to myself and most was more entertaining, although making a point. So what if she received Christmas cards. That should only reaffirm the position that this should not have happened to begin with. Sobeit her or another school official… she is incharge at that school. The entire staff should go through some type of “EDUCATIONAL” class on how to handle this. The irony of it all! :roll:
I wonder if the cards were politically correct by using only recycle paper.
I get SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO offended when I recieve ones that aren’t and write letter back to the sender letting them know my disgust of chopping down trees just to say have a Merry Christmas even though I am a non drinker (so how can I get Merry ?) and that I am Jewish and that I only hear from them once a year!
I finish off with a little poem … Roses are redish and Violets are blueish. If it wasn’t for Christmas we’d all be Jewish. :lol:
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Pizza Makers, Are You Kidding Me? Legal, Accounting, Chefs working in excess of 13 hours a day.

You came here, brown noser. Idiot at best.

If I had someone in my Town, City or State that stood up and made a difference, I would venture their business.

Now, if you have zip, zero, zilch to offer here, GTFL.

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Hey MP… would you be up to contacting the school and requesting an official response as to what happened, who said what, and what was said by the principal after it all happened? Even if this was just a passing comment and not from the principal to start with I would be at the next school board meeting with many parents in hand to voice my/our concern. My position is clear as I have stated I am sick and tired of being silenced when showing good holiday spirit or even towards someones religious beliefs. I am far from a religious man, sorry Deacon, but I believe that everyone should be able to believe, whorship, and openingly express themselves so long as it is not thrown onto myself or others. Am I walking around the school naked with 3 wiseman? Nope! I am pretty sure I would get some national news for it! 😛 Are students stopping class to break out in prayer? Nope! Someone said MERRY CHRISTMAS! WOW… how appauling and insensitive of them. :roll: Let’s all ask ourselves “WWTD” What Would Tebow Do? 😉