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Rapidfire Pizza POS (#1 server 9.40e w/key) for sale.


New member
I realize Rapidfire is an old POS system, but its still a very good system for a new restaurant startup.

You can run rapidfire on just this one computer, or add workstations to fit your needs.

That being said, I have a Rapidfire POS #1 server (DOS) 7.940-3e with software key. I recently rebuilt the computer with fresh parts I had in storage. It has the multiple area code update. A person could simply contact poshotline (they support and supply workstations for rapidfire), and get all the stations, printers, touch screens and things needed to assemble a multi-station ordering system for much less than a new modern system. As long as you have the #1 server with software, and the key to activate it… you can build a system with as many as 10-12 stations. I know of at least two other companies that also still support rapidfire that I can put you in contact with.

IF you are interested in buying this #1 computer w/key, please make me an offer.

I can be contacted at [email protected]

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