The current recession (could shape up into a depression) has affected the whole restaurant industry, even the big chains, and it ain’t all about pizza either. From what I’ve been able to piece together it looks like pizza might be weathering the storm a bit better than the other types of food establishments. I think people are still seeing pizza as a value meal, but with the increased number of times that people now eat at home (home prepared meals) there is an emphasis to do something to draw people into our stores. Things like a vegetarian special (regular priced pizza with a free order of bread sticks and pitcher of soft drink) once a week might be appropriate. This is also a good time to fine tune your customer service skills too. I have personally experienced this lately, and it does make a difference as to where we decide to go when we eat out and it doesn’t cost you anything! We still have stores which offer rude service, and it is my personal experience that they really don’t want or need my business, at least that’s my preception, so I take my business else where.
I know all of our ingredients are up (thank God the flour prices are coming down) and we are having a hard time holding the line on our prices, but you have simply got to make a fair profit on your pizza or you won’t be in business very long, so go ahead and adjust your prices accordingly but soften the blow by bundling. I think of it like this, increase the price of the pizza by $1.00 and bundle it with a free order of breadsticks (a $1.75 customer value) but out cost is only $0.25. The customer sees a savings of $0.75 but our loss is only $0.25. That’s just me though, you’ve got to do what is right for your store, your survival depends upon it. Be creative, try different things to see what will have the greatest preceived impact upon your customers.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor