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For those of you who have dine in do you recycle your plastic, glass,cardboard or tin? If yes or no what are your views of the sanitation presence of this?
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I have been going back and forth on the real actual value of recycling. If the community has the program, then great. If not, then it is hard for me to justify the huge pain in my large butt in going out to get it done. Economic and environmental impacts and values are simply still too much in debate for me to go to that length.recycling is simply the right thing to do.
Yes. As Americans realize we are not bullet-proof and must actually care for our bodies . . . we will have to focus on higher quality food products to make a most efficient return on our dining dollars. Eating at home more and eating out at higher food quality will be more desirable. Better quality nutrition for the cost. That will impact my business in a positive way.does that sound like it might impact a pizza place? you’ve already seen your food costs go up - because of poor harvests, because of the search for alternative fuels, because of, yes, politics.
I tried to avoid this . . . but . . . there is no stable and viable trend of research that confirms that using recycled materials is more fuel efficient, reduces pollutants in the environment, or saves money. In USA, millions of tax dollars are spent subsidizing the recycling industry in the form of grants, tax benefits and the like. Therefor, one must offset the “savings” in this industry by all the tax dollars WE are spending top prop it up since it is in no way a viable business interest. There is a vicious circle of . . .yes . . waste of money siphoning over to an industry that is making no headway towards being profitable or demonstrably beneficial to the economy, environment or my business. Remove the Federal Subsidy, and the solid waste program created at the behest of the federal government very possibly/likely falls flat. That is a waste of money that could be used is a venue that could produce actual sustainable results.I see you all trying to reduce waste in your stores. not recycling is a waste.
<>I see you all trying to reduce waste in your stores. not recycling is a waste.
I hear the same sorts of arguments from people as to why they wouldn’t buy a hybrid car - oh, the higher price tag won’t be offset by the savings in gas, therefore it’s not worth it. well, we don’t know where gas prices are going, so that equation may no longer be true in any case, but we all breathe the air. you don’t pay a bill for the air you breathe, but if your kid gets asthma, you start to see a cost for dirty air - both emotional and financial.
your businesses don’t operate outside the environment. we are all connected. it is being purely profit driven that has gotten the world into this crisis to begin with. is recycling really going to put you out of business? really?