Registering A Name

In my state it is the secretary of state’s office. On that web site you will likely find a link to business services or similar. In that area look for name search, name registration, etc etc
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Our Superior Court Clerk registers trade names for the county. We can go into their books . . . same roon as real estate deeds and plats . . . and look them up.
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Just googling it will often provide info as to whether or not it’s being used. Of course, it’s no guarantee.

Go to the uspto website and do a search to see if it’s been trademarked (or look for similar, as any attempt to register a similar name trademark will most likely be rejected for "likelihood of confusion with existing mark.

The actual trademark process can be done online and all told, takes about 9-12 mos, start to finish. I think it costs about $300 or so.
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