I haven’t used it, but know the owners of a small chain that does. They are very happy with the system for the most part but say that promised customization is slow, if it happens at all. I was interested in changing till i was quoted $11,000 more than Prism for a 6 station system. When I replaced my Vital Lynk system this summer, I didn’t even consider Revention after that price quote.
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I am using Prism now and it is working well. I’ll soon add the web ordering and expect that will be an easy addition. There’s a few “stupid” things with Prism, but I think that’ll be true with any system that wasn’t specifically written for your business. I’m 6 weeks into using Prism and am very happy I made the switch from Vital Link.
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We just switched over to Revention about 3 weeks ago. So far so good. There tech support is great so is the system. Im very happy we did not ask for must customization but what we did ask was done within the first week. I am happy with my choice so far.

Pizza Tony
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