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Sad news from Nick's Facebook Page

Sorry Nick!..But does that mean i have to feel crappy all over again tomorrow?..
It sure would make me feel better šŸ™‚ A real friend would do it!

Iā€™ll bet WA Dave doesnā€™t feel crappy at all with all his new customer load hitting him this week!
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Sorry Nick!..But does that mean i have to feel crappy all over again tomorrow?..
It sure would make me feel better šŸ™‚ A real friend would do it!

Iā€™ll bet WA Dave doesnā€™t feel crappy at all with all his new customer load hitting him this week!
Hey there Nick you may have hit on something there. The way we are going at the moment that job youā€™re after may be there. We got slammed both Friday and Sat nights with both record sales. I came home tired and aching thinking I need someone who can step in for me. Know anyone šŸ˜‰

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Good luck Nick with your future endeavors. After we closed down it was like we were able to do the things we wanted to do and didnā€™t have time to. Itā€™s bad that it has to happen but on the other hand it can open up other doors.

Fireside Pizzeria LLC.

ā€œA happy employee will make a guestā€
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wa dave might have hit on an idea for Nickā€™s new career. Roving Relief Manager We all need to take some time away from the shop. Nick could travel the country and be the temporary manager.

What do you think?
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wa dave might have hit on an idea for Nickā€™s new career. Roving Relief Manager We all need to take some time away from the shop. Nick could travel the country and be the temporary manager.

What do you think?
Nick would be an ideal person for this. Plus he would get to travel around the place and meet different people. Wearing his multi coloured hats would add to his persona in these places. šŸ˜ƒ
Funny you say that Richard. My wife has recommended me to start this type of business up over the last couple of years. Relief manager, so owners can take a couple of weeks off from their business knowing that it is the hands of a experienced, hard working, reliable and honest person who understands the workings of a business. Unfortunately here there are too many narrow minded people and the businesses and profits too small to warrant people doing it.
Some years ago after being made redundant from my sales management position I registered with a business called ā€œGuardian Anglesā€ who did this exact thing for all types of businesses, but never did take up a gig with them.
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Nick & Kim, I just wanted to say once again how horrible and deeply saddened I think we all feel that tonight is the last of them for you. I hope you had a great evening and go out with a bang. Best wishes for all of the people involved. Now take some time to enjoy your new freedom and take a breather before you take off on the next volume in that great big book that makes up your life. I am confident you will find that next corner of the world to fit into and strive once again to do what you enjoy. Keep positive and donā€™t look back. :!:
And now the time has come to draw the final curtain ā€¦
You did it your way

(apologies to Frank Sinatra)

Congratualtions to both of you for giving it your all and making Nickā€™s Pizzeria a special place for many people.

A new chapter is now beginning.

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WaDave, in speaking of Nickā€™s unfortunate turn of events, said that it was greedy big business that was the source of the problem. No question that many mortgage companies and banks made hay in lead up to the financial disaster especially since the were allowed to pass off the many destined-to-fail mortgages to someone else. But I would first look to Congress, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, who assured the American Public early on that there was nothing to be concerned about. I would look to Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac who continued to feed the frenzy and encourage the approval of loans that would never have been approved under previous standards. Of course, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd also said there was nothing wrong with these two institutions. Franklin Raines, the CEO of Fannie Mae, walked away from the mess with over 90 million dollars. Read ā€œReckless Endangermentā€ for a full accounting. Franklin Raines pumped Congressional members with parties, donations, special personal mortgages, etc. and in return Congress turned a blind eye to what was happening. This was a sordid affair with mortgage companies and banks benefiting from it all but it started, and could have only started, with the acquiescence of those in government who were also benefiting. And today some of those same congressional people are part of the group that are spending this country into oblivion. The President is already making noises about a third stimulus. As if the other two worked at all.
But in the end the source of all these problems is the same as it has been for many, many years; the American people. Abraham Lincoln said it best, ā€œThe American people generally get what they deserveā€. Well, we have a large portion of our populace in this country that does not take the time to read and think about events that affect this country and their lives. We vote for personalities, for ā€œhope and changeā€ while not knowing what that meant or for the person who is going to give us the most benefits. More and more of us think that the government should provide (pay for) a long list of things we are entitled to have because we are citizens. There is not a thought or concern that the government must first take the money to provide (pay for) from us first. After the government takes out their (big) share to waste they hand out some benefits.
An interesting survey of those on unemployment was taken recently. They found that 1/3 of all people receiving unemployment checks found a job immediately after their benefits ran out. We have had a problem hiring for the last year and wondered why. We have heard it first hand that people will apply but only to have a name to give to the unemployment office to verify they are looking for a job. The younger kids call this ā€œfun moneyā€. They hang out, travel or whatever until their unemployment runs out. The government is training a whole generation that is is not necessary to work, that government will take care of them. When enough people have taken the kool aid they will wake up one day and realize that the government controls their very existence. Our forefathers blessed us with a great gift in the form of the United States of America. They sacrificed and they died for love of country and their descendants. The knew the critical importance of personal freedom and they were willingly to give their lives for it. Some of the original framers of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were wealthy men who willingly risked (and lost) everything they had to achieve the goal of personal freedom for us. Now we are willingly giving up what they fought so hard to achieve and gave to us. On the day that the Constitution of the United States was finalized (for lack of a better word) Benjamin Franklin walked out of the building and was asked by a woman, ā€œWell, what do we haveā€? Benjamin Franklin said, ā€œA Republic if you can keep itā€. By the looks of things today we are not doing a very good job of trying to keep it. Someone once said, ā€œall that is required for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothingā€. Both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln said that the greatest threat to this country will come from within. Years ago I thought I knew exactly what they meant but I did not. Today I understand that it is not just a runaway Congress/government/president whichever the case may be, but it also has to be us. We have the power to reverse this deadly tailspin but we stand and watch it happen while telling ourselves we have other important things to do. They say freedom is not free and part of that statement means that each of us has a responsibility to participate in the process of government by being knowledgeable about issues, candidates and politicians and then voting our convictions based on our own research.
How do we think our employees would perform if we, as managers/owners, never made an effort to monitor their proficiency, integrity, honesty and effort? Would the answer be that they would soon put us out of business? If that is the answer then what better can we expect of the politicians we vote into office if we do not monitor their progress and cause an adjustment or remove them if they do not perform? If government does not work as we need it to then we can forget about our businesses.
At this point it is still within our power to change the direction of this country; its up to us. It has been demonstrated time and again that an unleashed, free American population can accomplish tremendous things when required. We were nowhere ready to or capable of fighting the second World War Two. Pearl Harbor changed all that. Remember the Japanese Admiral who said when asked what he thought after the successful Pearl Harbor attack, ā€œI fear that we have awakened the great American tigerā€. And he was right was he not?
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Wow. And I thought it was because I was generating lower gross sales because fewer people were buying my pizzas. :shock:
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Remember the Japanese Admiral who said when asked what he thought after the successful Pearl Harbor attack
Wasnā€™t it the Germans who attacked Pearl Harbor on D-Day?

/the line is setā€¦

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Wow. And I thought it was because I was generating lower gross sales because fewer people were buying my pizzas. :shock:
Wow Nick !!! And I thought you and I wrote some long posts.
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Remember the Japanese Admiral who said when asked what he thought after the successful Pearl Harbor attack
Wasnā€™t it the Germans who attacked Pearl Harbor on D-Day?
This American Tiger has gone fishing. There may be collateral damage when all is said and done . . . but fishing just the same.
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I promise, itā€™s not all bad after the restaurant closes šŸ˜‰ You just hang in there man. A mentor once told me, ā€œIf moneyā€™s your only problem, you donā€™t have any problems.ā€ Youā€™ve got your health, your family, and your friends. Donā€™t worry about the job part. It doesnā€™t define you as a person, cause we already knowā€¦


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Nick, I HATED to read about your restaurant closing. If brains, hard work and HEART counted youā€™d be the biggest pizza mogul in Georgia!

Best wishes to you, your family and your team.
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