Saving money on your gas bill?


New member
I get these courtesy calls from a 3rd party telling my that they can save me money on my gas bill and all I have to do is confirm that I have paid my bills on time. They said I automatically qualify for it and I will still pay my bill through my gas company, but they will buy the gas in bulk and get me a savings.

I don’t get it though, there has to be a catch somewhere. I can tell it’s from a calling center and that’s never good. Does anyone have experience with this? Is it a hoax? What’s the deal?
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Never heard of it. If they called me, I would call the gas company and see what they have to say. Then I would check the company out on the BBB and your state AG websites before I signed up for anything.
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The de-regulation of utilities in Alberta has made it so the utility company just supplies the facilities to provide the service. You purchase the power and gas from a retailer and they use the meter reading provided to them by the utility company to bill you. I bought a 5 year contract and it has saved my quite a bit of money. This system has been around here for the last 5 years. The government supplies consumers with a list of the approved retailers.
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