As someone who put a DVR system in one store, I would highly recommend instead a system (or even just one of those “nanny cams”) which has an IP address that allows you to jump on the web to watch live action, see idiocy as it unfolds and then call to put an end to it. I’ve wasted plenty of time watching “tape” and have never been able to actually catch the guy(s) stealing. Man, I probably watched it happen and just couldn’t tell.
What I have seen though is too many people in the drawer, bad cash handling habits, friends hanging out in the lobby after hours, and the Subway guy from next door let into my kitchen to make his own pizza. I’m pretty sure most of that stuff would never have developed if they knew I might be watching at any given moment instead of having to sit and review hours upon hours of tape. And once I put a stop to the bad habits, the opportunities to steal were sharply reduced.
Get online access and make a habit of calling each manager once a week to whine about petty stuff you see just so that the thought of “the owner might be watching” will make them think twice before allowing serious rules to be broken.