Selling pizza at event.


New member
Any use the heated/ proofing cabinets? Considering this option. I have done it last year with pizza bags but drivers run crazy trying to keep up with sales. Figure i could keep 20/25 pies on hand with a heated cabinet.
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Thanks George. I have been looking local for used but people want top dollar and i could buy new for the same price.
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i used one at a street festival it worked well but the pizzas towards the bottom by the heating element did dry out badly
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The heat and hold units we sell have humidity added to preclude that problem. I suggest not to use a unit that does not provide humidity.

George Mills
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The heat and hold units we sell have humidity added to preclude that problem. I suggest not to use a unit that does not provide humidity.

George Mills
yes! deff get one with humidity! Ours is just an old unit I found in my pops storage. It did the trick for that weekend.
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No humidity is a waste.
Any chance you can borrow any?
I know that sounds foolish but I’ve done it.
Needed two for an event a few years back and borrowed them from a local school.
I have a great relationship w/ my local schools (school lunch pies!) so…
I’ve often wondered if just some cups of water in a heated cabinet would make a difference- not the same as a “humidity cabinet” but better than nothing?
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