Seriously Considering Using Third Party Delivery Only

We only use 3rd Party. We markup the online menu to offset the fee. Not having to worry about our own drivers showing up, getting in an accident or worse, being robbed…is well worth it to me!
I’m thinking about it. I only run 2-4 drivers a night. Only 1 full time pro-driver left that doesn’t need gps or routing, if she ever leaves thats it for me. She also does all the food ordering and puts the trucks away/organizes stock… and we get food trucks 6 days a week in season. So I will keep in-house delivery for now, but we do use doordash and that has overtaken in house in volume.
I am using Door Dash Drive for more and more deliveries. I am down to one driver, and when he leaves I am done with in house drivers if not sooner. DD Drive charges 6.99, I charge a $4.00 delivery fee, so it costs me $3.00 a delivery. It takes a lot of $3 deliveries to make up for insurance, workers comp, payroll, car trouble, and lazy drivers ( if I can find them). I did 27 deliveries in 4 hours last night and had only 1 hiccup.
We uses shipday to manage our drivers. It auto dispatches if you choose and allows first and third party deliveries and you can choose on-demand or a hybrid model or whatever you need you can choose between uber, door-dash, lyft, etc. We love it because it allows reviews customer orer tracking and integrates with everything

I tried using DoorDash Drive program now that it is fully integrated with my POS for $7. Simply press the DoorDash button istead of one of my drivers and they show up in approx 20min. Seems great until I broke down my TOTAL driver cost (incl. taxes) per delivery using my own drivers net of the proceeds from delivery charge. On a weekly basis it varies from $1-$1.50 so the expense alone makes it impossible to use logically. Yes drivers are a pain in the ass but these DD drivers never have a bag, look unprofessional (one even cam in full Dominos uniform), and take multiple orders in different directions. Will use only in emergencies going forward.
Hence why we use Shipday because it allows us to mostly use our own drivers and processes tip and fully integrates with our POS toast. It also makes the routes with autodispatch