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Shame on you Revention!


New member
So we have been in the market for a new POS system. A friend of mine had purchased Speedline and loves it. While our initial thought after playing with Speedline was this is it, we decided to do some research and see our other options. Prism and Revention were called. We first called upon Revention. During our demo run which seemed okay the salesman repeatedly said that his system was not cheap. I said I was aware of the cost and had no issue we knew we were dropping some cash and that was no problem. After going further into the conversation and mentioning the other candidates for our job the salesman then began to bash those companies. Which at that point my focus left Revention and turned to the other 2 candidates. While focusing on the other 2 I would get calls from Revention and I received an email stating that they would buy my old POS system. I’m not sure but I think they raise their prices just a bit to cover that. I was insulted that Revention or the salesman would think anyone was stupid enough to fall for that one. Anyway after all said and done we have decided on our new POS system. I received a call today from Revention and informed them in a professional manner that we had gone another direction. i was amazed when the salesman asked who and I revealed my choice and he said oh it’s a price issue and hung up the phone. Here are my reasons for not choosing Revention.

  1. []Initial call- unsolicited bashing of the competition
    ]Saying you’ll buy my old POS. I’m not stupid, drop the smoke and mirrors
    []The Value-We are not buying just the POS system we are buying the support for 10 years. Your expensive
    ]Calling me @ lunchtime. You realize these are restaurants your dealing with right?
    []Insulting me saying it’s a price issue? No way at all. I’m sorry your system doesn’t fit the needs of my operation for the cost associated.
    ]Overall just bad sales practices.
I am so happy we did not choose Revention after hearing how they treat people after the fact. I am confident we made the right choice. A simple okay sorry to lose you would have be professional but hey whatever.
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#2 is probably not what you’re thinking (I did get “credit” for my upgrades which were OLD revention stations) but I wont defend the rest of your list although I dont think they are expensive at all (not any more than Speedline from all the quotes I ever got) but who did you go with?
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I love Revention. Small annoyances with dealing with various (small) issues but not enough to warrant a think tank post. Stay tuned though, I reserve the right to blast them in the future. But so far, so good!
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Lol our employee used Revention at her previous place. She hated it and threatened bodily harm to it if we went with it. Then again, she needs help signing into her Facebook account, so take that for what it’s worth.
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So we have been in the market for a new POS system. A friend of mine had purchased Speedline and loves it. While our initial thought after playing with Speedline was this is it, we decided to do some research and see our other options. Prism and Revention were called. We first called upon Revention. During our demo run which seemed okay the salesman repeatedly said that his system was not cheap. I said I was aware of the cost and had no issue we knew we were dropping some cash and that was no problem. After going further into the conversation and mentioning the other candidates for our job the salesman then began to bash those companies. Which at that point my focus left Revention and turned to the other 2 candidates. While focusing on the other 2 I would get calls from Revention and I received an email stating that they would buy my old POS system. I’m not sure but I think they raise their prices just a bit to cover that. I was insulted that Revention or the salesman would think anyone was stupid enough to fall for that one. Anyway after all said and done we have decided on our new POS system. I received a call today from Revention and informed them in a professional manner that we had gone another direction. i was amazed when the salesman asked who and I revealed my choice and he said oh it’s a price issue and hung up the phone. Here are my reasons for not choosing Revention.

  1. []Initial call- unsolicited bashing of the competition
    ]Saying you’ll buy my old POS. I’m not stupid, drop the smoke and mirrors
    []The Value-We are not buying just the POS system we are buying the support for 10 years. Your expensive
    ]Calling me @ lunchtime. You realize these are restaurants your dealing with right?
    []Insulting me saying it’s a price issue? No way at all. I’m sorry your system doesn’t fit the needs of my operation for the cost associated.
    ]Overall just bad sales practices.
I am so happy we did not choose Revention after hearing how they treat people after the fact. I am confident we made the right choice. A simple okay sorry to lose you would have be professional but hey whatever.
I went through almost the exact same thing. I chose Speedline and I’m so happy with my decision. It’s amazing what their system is capable of.
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I wish I had chose any other pos than revention. It has been 4 years now of the worst customer service I have ever dealt with. I have already had to replace 2 all in one stations out of the 4. Every time you have to make an appointment to install the new ones they have no recollection of your appointment and do nothing to fix it, so you are still out of a computer. I have lost so much business due to faulty equipment. Please stay away from Revention.
I feel your frustrations…I often find myself thinking that if I ran my business like many vendors (not just POS companies) I deal with on a daily basis I would be out of business. Unfortunately, I think that most other companies have similar type sales tactics.
PS I am not a Revention user, I use Foodtec and think they are great but nobody is perfect. Who did you choose?
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16 years now with Prism/Microworks. If I was starting over from scratch I would go with them again without hesitation. Great system. Great customer support. Still dealing with the same person (Mike) that originally sold us our system. I hear what you are saying Perry about vendors in general, but our experience with Prism/Microworks has been the exception that proves the rule.
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Whew… am I glad for that above post. Going with Prism, though I did have some experience with them many years ago as a franchise, it was so long ago that I can’t remember. But if it was a bad experience, I would have remembered!
My general feeling with Prism/MW was that they weren’t fly-by-night, which some seem to be.
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I used Firefly POS for the last 4-5 years. The system was very easy to use, but the service was below average. In the end, it was a great investment. Mostly because I had no POS system before I bought Firefly, but also because the software was easy to use.

Currently, my business is closed as we move into a bigger location. From about 2,000 sq ft and 4 POS stations to 4,000 sq ft and 7 POS stations. My older Firefly system needed a major upgrade and I decided to jump ship to REVENTION rather than stay with Firefly (which is now owned by Granbury Solutions, which also owns thrive, diamond touch and maybe a few others). As far as Revention goes…I’m really happy with my service so far. It’s actually been quite excellent. Sales process was pleasant. We’re currently preparing for installation as my building goes under construction. For your price shopping comparrison, my total cost was about $3,500 per work station after all expenses. I’ll let everyone know how things go.

Flingers Pizza Pub
Bloomington, IL
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We have been using Revention for 9 months. We have had to send back 1 all in one unit because the fingerprint scanner was bad - but it was bad ever since day 1. Chalk that up to a lemon. Otherwise we haven’t had problems with the customer service for the most part - even though half the time I feel like I know more about the system than some of the tech’s that I talk to. I would love if there was a support forum for it; it would be great to know what tweaks others use on their menu to make things work more efficiently.
Overall we are happy with Revention.
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We have been using Revention for 9 months. We have had to send back 1 all in one unit because the fingerprint scanner was bad - but it was bad ever since day 1. Chalk that up to a lemon. Otherwise we haven’t had problems with the customer service for the most part - even though half the time I feel like I know more about the system than some of the tech’s that I talk to. I would love if there was a support forum for it; it would be great to know what tweaks others use on their menu to make things work more efficiently.
Overall we are happy with Revention.
When your finger print reader was not working, could you just switch to a pass code style log-in?

How long did your install process take? I have them scheduled for (3) full days, but if this goes anything like my last POS install we’ll be finished halfway through the 2nd day.
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When i bought my store the previous owner had already switched them out (i am not 100% certain he used them in that store, but i know he did try them out). I have attempted to resolve issues with some other franchisee’s for them because revention could not figure it out, and in my years working with computers i can tell you that all in one type computers tend to fail faster then your normal desktops.

As far as reprogramming revention, i have completely redone the entire menu system, most of the inventory system and i completely rebuilt the map database by hand ( revention wanted something like $800 to fix it, said screw that and did it myself).

The one thing they will not let you do, is a change to your CC processor. They charge you $200 to 300 ( i don’t remember exactly how much) to change a freaking text file and email it back to you. Seriously !
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The one thing they will not let you do, is a change to your CC processor. They charge you $200 to 300 ( i don’t remember exactly how much) to change a freaking text file and email it back to you. Seriously !
It’s not a text file - at least not human readable text. The CCV_INFO.DAT file contains the merchant information - and those numbers are used to generate the license key that comes from 911software. You could change it yourself by editing the binary file, but 911 would not batch because the license key would become invalid.

Otherwise, I’m with ya - the one time we switched processors I hated paying to get another CCV_INFO.DAT file. My understanding is that at least there is some testing and verification done as part of generating the new file.
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As far as AIO’s, we haven’t had any issues with them really, we have all three generations of Reventions AIO’s installed. The older ones (the first ones that came out), I’ve had to replace a few florescent tubes on the monitors, but I’ve never had any other problem with them (no motherboard/power supply/driver issues). I’ve done the same on many ELO touchscreen of similar vintage.
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I also got the all in ones, 3 of them (for roughly the same price mentioned above). I did come into work one day and station 1 was dead. Had them about 4 months at the time. I called, they quickly switched one of the others to our main system and put in a return request. It got slightly annoying later in the day when they called me back and told me it would cost me a bunch of money because the unit had already been swapped out and my warranty was up? Anyway… seems they had the wrong serial written down than was actually on it and according to them my broken unit was in some other store. Anyway, that did cost a day in getting my ‘overnight’ as they figured out quickly and through much vulgarity on my part that I only had the system 4 months and had never returned it… but operations were smooth otherwise and even better with our replacement got here.

We don’t use the fingerprint reader anymore, it’s quicker to just key in the passcode and it’s a 100% success rate as opposed to 75% success rate with the reader. I think the interface is really easy to use, I love the online integration… the menu is easy to edit, add sizes, create coupons, etc. I of course have never used anything else but I do love it. I think our trainer was a little hard to understand, and looking back he told me a few things that actually weren’t very good ways of doing things. I wouldn’t call it a waste of money but you know when the skinny dude pulls up in a huge SUV you rented for him, that’s sort of obnoxious. I’m glad he was there for the two days though, we have sort of a unique menu and it wasn’t until the second day that he realized it wasn’t set up very well and fixed it.

As posted though, i’m quite happy with Revention. It was a lot of money but evening paperwork has been cut from 20 minutes to 2 minutes so it’s paying for itself a little bit each day in labor alone.
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we could switch to numeric login, but right now only my managers are setup to do that. I feel like the system CANNOT be abused when you restrict someone from logging in with a number. There is no way to duplicate fingerprints.
The scanner needed to be “cleaned” off w/ a piece of scotch tape numerous times a day to get it to work. I can’t remember the last time we “cleaned” the scanner on the other units. It was just a faulty unit from day 1.
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