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Shame on you Revention!

16 years now with Prism/Microworks. If I was starting over from scratch I would go with them again without hesitation. Great system. Great customer support. Still dealing with the same person (Mike) that originally sold us our system. I hear what you are saying Perry about vendors in general, but our experience with Prism/Microworks has been the exception that proves the rule.
I have been with Prism by Microworks for 14 years and I agree with Steve 100%, customer service and sales have been exceptional with minimal problems to the system.
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I am floored by some of these comments. What is it your crew are doing that all of this fancy log in tools will prevent?
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in a word bodegahwy… nothing.

Any system can be defeated or worked around. After working in IT for a large healthcare provider for 3 years, i can tell you all, the more “safeguards” you put in place, the less they will actually work.

I simple keyed entry works well enough, and it does not inconvenience your staff to the point they will actively work around it to get the job done.
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Our crew uses their employee number to clock in and out and we have several kinds of transactions that require a manager password. Any password controlled transaction is logged on the exceptions report. I have never felt the need for more than that.
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Yeah… fingerprint is a bit overkill. Im here all day, we have cameras, I don’t know why anyone would feel the need to log in as someone else.
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How long did your install process take? I have them scheduled for (3) full days, but if this goes anything like my last POS install we’ll be finished halfway through the 2nd day.
The install was done overnight, he had most of it setup when we arrived for business the following morning. The only problem was our credit card switchover from our processor. They needed a certain number. Revention called it one thing, c/c co called it another. Lots of screaming, classified data, blah, blah, blah. Eventually at the end of the 2nd day it finally got solved. We lost a lot of one on one training due to this, but we are managing just fine.
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Received equipment… opened boxes… connected everything… turned on. Done. It took a couple of hours. Prism/Microworks delivers everything ready to go with your menu built etc etc.
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We have had Revention for about 4 years (3 locations, and 1.5 years at location 4). We were looking at prism but went with Revention based on our franchise. Prism was great to deal with when I got a quote. We used to have Firefly but got screwed by Granbury when they had the credit card breach on a lot of systems (pardon my bitterness). We have Revention in 4 locations, I haven’t had any issue with the all in ones we have. But we scrapped the fingerprint readers a long time ago. A pizza shop just isn’t a good environment for them. Like others have said there are some minor issues with Revention (reports loading and .net errors, but nothing that stops daily operations) and we have had a few issues with poorly trained tech support. But after dealing with Firefly, Revention looks good. Revention is fairly intuitive which is good.

My biggest concern with all the POS companies is the lack of responsibility regarding PCI. (Logging not enabled, passwords changed every 90 days). I have yet to see a company that addresses it with the business owner. They all just say they are PCI/PA-DSS Compliant, but thats not enough. I dealt with this with Firefly and even Revention telling me we are compliant, but read through SAQ-D and I guarantee, 99% of businesses are not. For some reason my POS comments always turn into a rant, Sorry.
Mr. H
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anoyne have any idea (Revention users) about the switch to the new chip card technology? How much are we going to have to fork out to accept these new cards?
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Speedline tells you that they are the first step in becoming pci compliant. They have all the 90 day password stuff built in. We are set up with DMZ computers and double routers. And all our software is up to date. But there are other things that need done that they can’t do. They give you all the info on their website and then its up to you to go through the process.

I feel we are getting to the point where this is all becoming too much for consumers to deal with. There are still hacks all over the place. I have to get a new credit card every 6 months or so. Then I have log on and change all my recurring payments. Crazy strong passwords all over the place that you could never remember. Someone is going to revolt at some point.
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I think you guys are missing much of the point about the fingerprint readers. They are simply a way to logon that is impossible for anyone else to use.

And it isn’t only about keeping people from “doing things” - it is about having accountability. Logs and reports are useless unless you can know for certain that when it says “TOM” comped an order, that “TOM” actually did it and not just someone using Tom’s number. And if I’m Tom, I want that level of accountability also - I don’t want someone watching me type in my number or touching it on a screen from behind.
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anoyne have any idea (Revention users) about the switch to the new chip card technology? How much are we going to have to fork out to accept these new cards?
Keep in mind you don’t “have” to have the chip reader to accept the cards - normal mag stripe readers will continue to work just fine. The supposed hitch is if you swipe a chipped card and it eventually comes back as fraudulent - the liability is on you. Well, duh. In the real world it has always been that way anyway.

Tell me - how many chargebacks have you gotten because someone counterfeited a card? Yeah, none, me neither.

It is my understanding that the actual readers will run between $300-$1000. Total waste of money IMO. The payback on those will be 10’s of years.

But everyone will scramble to get them later this year as the “deadline” looms - and the prices will skyrocket because everyone will be brainwashed into thinking they HAVE TO GET THEM.
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Considering the healthy slice of my pie that CC companies help themselves to THEY should be picking up the costs of all these “upgrades”.
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Yeah… fingerprint is a bit overkill. Im here all day, we have cameras, I don’t know why anyone would feel the need to log in as someone else.
It’s because you are there everyday. As a multi unit operator just a few things that people do is clock in for others when they are running late so it doesnt look like they were late, going home early on slow days and having their friends clock them out, using the manager code to void part or whole orders to pocket cash, using manager codes to alter tips higher. One of the biggest weaknesses to codes is during a busy time when a manager code is needed like a friday rush when the manager is 30 tickets deep on the makeline they may just give the code out to for that employee to use then forget to change it. Employees are gonnna find ways to get what they want, putting in safegaurds will reduce their options to acceptable levels when you cant be there all day every day.
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anoyne have any idea (Revention users) about the switch to the new chip card technology? How much are we going to have to fork out to accept these new cards?
My chain says expect to pay around $900 per Revention cash register. Although i’ve seen some usb readers on ebay for around $40. The current credit card reader I use with my revention now is a cheapo usb I bought on amazon so I’m guessing these usb ones will work as well. Also worth noting is you can operate without these but the burden of fraudulent orders will be on you, which suites me just fine as we are liable for keyed in delivery orders and everything else claimed is a $25 charge and that covers about 99% of my orders (under $25 or keyed delivery)
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Considering the healthy slice of my pie that CC companies help themselves to THEY should be picking up the costs of all these “upgrades”.
Amex is giving a $100 or so credit if you apply for it before a certain date to use for your EMV upgrades.
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Three terminals(AOI) always support, yes some hiccupps, yes sometimes computers get a hair up their a/s too, but all in all, very happy. Read up on any system, any company in this industry and you will find many complaints and haters. I think everyone needs to read the fine print and make some deals, like buying a car! Have a great attitude about it and they will be on your side! ReventioN we love you!

Napoli Pizzeria Vacaville
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I’m considering Revention for a new location. I’ve spoken with 2 pizza owners who use Revention and they love it. Yes expensive but no more than foodtec and speedline. Arrow is less. So foodtec charges for every little thing you could possibly need and at a premium. Whether its printers monitors help with a menu item or configuration whatever. Additionally they do not include updates to new software versions with the yearly support. Revention includes all updates and software upgrades with the yearly support. Revention’s support is 24/7. Foodtec is limited hours unless you pay out premium $$ over and above. They also charge a hefty premium for online ordering which is the future. Monthly online integrated web order fees are in the range of $400 to $500 for one store based on volume. The more orders you generate the higher the monthly fee. Revention is a flat $79 per month doesn’t matter how much revenue is generated from web ordering and its integrated as well. Giordano’s had them in all their locations and they spent almost a million dollars to install new pos systems at all their locations when they dropped foodtec last year. I don’t know much about Prism at all.
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