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I am very glad I decided to google this before paying. I have had one too many interactions with scammers since I have opened my business, and something about the 75% down before “starting production” didn’t sit right with me. Definitely will not be doing business with this company.
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There are several reputable suppliers in the industry. No need to deal with an outfit that has this kind of rep.

I have had very good success with MF&B

I am sure others can chime in with solid companies they have worked with.
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the 75% before starting the refurb really mostly rings to me of a company with cash and/or credit problems with their suppliers. That means I may be paying the bill one someone else’s purchase and waiting for the next guy to pay mine off . . . just how it feels, and likely not what’s really happening.

For this kind of money, I want absolute confidence in the man I am dealing with. Drop dead service and unquestioned integrity. That is really big money and the core of the pizza shop being bought.
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Yes you are right that’s exactly what happened to me I have to pay my remaining 25 percent directly to some other company even though I suppose to get it from them. I m very happy that some people are learning from our mistake. This is what actually happened the same with me they paid some jamarc equipment , PA to send me my Hobert mixer and same thong for my other equipment. One thing I noticed with this company their sales person are so trained to work out Everthing till they get 75 percent down once you pay them everthig changes. So one thing I learned even though thy say refurbished it’s all depend where they gonna find a cheapest one and send it to you and your luck depends on where shimmmer re-invested your money and get a chunk out of it.

So everybody run far far away from this company . Pls don’t belive what they say we have no personal grudge against these guys nor we have time but the only reason I m doing cuz I have my family and I know what me and my wife and my kids have gone through after dealing shimmmer.
I just wish nobody will go through that I m going through .
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By the way Marcus, if you read the previous link , turns out I am that “wrong guy”. I have way more time and resources to devote to spreading the facts about you and your company than you. The money aspect will pale into insignificance by the end of this story…Enjoy…
Don’t you love when you google now ,vs then, what takes up the highest percentage of the first page, the facts…
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Purchased a three door cooler and a make table from Georges company? 100% as described, shipped when said they would, arrived on time, zero drama.
Will be buying another three door from them soon. Great guys.
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well on the contrary, i have had 3 good dealings with shimmmer.

They were at my house today as a matter of fact. Marcus sent 2 of his guys to my house in seattle from arizona to but my old Lincoln 1000 ovens. They were in rough shape and we worked out the price on the ovens and they showed up, Gave me cash and we loaded the ovens in to the Rental truck and they were on there way back to shimmer.

They had a set of Refurb lincolns on the truck that looked good as new that they were delivering somewhere on the way back down to AZ.
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Nope. I am not getting into something that i know nothing about.

Im sure boatnut is upset but its not my deal, i know nothing about it im not going to pass judgement unless i know what im talking about

all i can say is that i have had no issues with them other than positive ones
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It may be a difference between the USA and Canada?
But, here in Canada cash is definately NOT how
legitimate business’s pay for things.
However I understand you wanting your payment
guaranteed. I am sincerely happy for you that you have
had positive experiences dealing with Shimmmer.
I tried very hard to “join that club”. Just wasn’t
going to happen.
I regards to those ovens you saw, yes, the ovens
that arrived here looked good under the plastic
wrap. It was when you remove the wrap and saw
that the stainless had been attacked with sandpaper?
and then noticed the conveyor drive motors laying
in open cardboard boxes all still covered in
kitchen grease (Most assuredly NOT " replaced with
new and updated" as claimed by the salespeople and
shimmmers site) followed by the confirmation that very
few, if any, of the electrical components had been
replaced that you realize all is not right.
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The ovens i saw were unwrapped and looked near new, you could tell they were refrub but looked nice.

I glanced at in the control box, everything looked right. It just sucks that you had that experiance with them.

I told marcus to bring cash. Yes i agree cash is not how must people operate but we met at Bank of America, i met Rolo and his helper, got cash and went to get the ovens, i had cash before they saw the ovens, i could have been the one to jack them.

Well good luck on getting your stuff with them worked out man, i would be pist to be in your shoes.
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Just to clarify: Marcus has tried the approach that I only
paid for Recon Ovens vs Refurb. He conveniently has tried
to forget his salesperson offered the Refurbs
at Recon pricing to “close the deal”. This is documented.
Secondly, as there salespeople realize what they have got
involved with they leave. In the space of three months I had
three. Every time I confirmed by phone and subsequent
emails what I was getting/ordered/ expected.
Any and every piece of documentation from Shimmmer
I have says REFURBISHED. ZERO room for error.
I even sent an email to Marcus the day the ovens shipped
confirming my understanding of what I expected, asking him
to contact me if there was any discrepancy and suggested I
would “work it out” IF he contacted me. (This was brought
about by a few comments he had made during one of
our rare phone conversations)
Nothing, zero, nada.
I really really tried to be a happy customer.
Marcus just didn’t want it to be.
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How are your new ovens working for you? Can you recommend the vendor for us to use for our new store? Thanks in advance.
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I recently purchased my first Pizza Oven from Marcus and Shimmer also and though I rarely take the time to write a negative review I feel it is important to let anyone know that might be looking to purchase from them. Here is my experience…if you skip to the end you will see it was dead on arrival but I did not know that because they conveniently forgot the gas lines and could not hook it up to test.
  1. Marcus was great up front and told me getting my oven built and on-time would be no issue. After I paid it was very hard to get any response from his sales rep…it was even hard to get a call back. I did get my oven and it was on time but only because I pushed so hard.
  2. Install guys were nice but they arrived at 1:00am (yes AM) and wanted to install. That was fine but they did not want to stay and reverse the belt direction which had been set up wrong. When I showed them my paperwork showing they built it wrong they called Marcus and did end up staying to reverse it.
  3. Unfortunately they guys said they did not have any gas lines when they left so they could not bring any to hook up. Since it was 3:00am when they were done I could not go buy any to test. Once I finally could test they upper over (I bought a double) had two issues. One it would not heat above 160 degrees and two the best speed was locked on high speed so the pizza went thru in 2 minutes and would not cook.
  4. So accidents happen and I had time so I was not really worried. That was until Shimmer & Marcus would not return calls or emails. His rep Manny did return one email apologizing and say I have told them but I cannot make them call you back.
  5. Eventually I gave up and had to call a local repair shop and spend $900 on the repair. It needed a new circuit panel. This unit is suppose to come with a 1 year warranty but be prepared and know this is not the case. Shimmer will not call you back if you have issues and will not warranty their units.
P.S. Just a side note. The oven is working well now but I know if we have any more issues they will be our problem. We have over 20 locations so we are not a small shop that is just complaining. I wanted to try a new provider for our ovens and unfortunately it did not work for me. I would not use Marcus again.
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It doesn’t say what the charge is, just that it’s federal. I wonder if bad business practices caught up to hm.
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