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Should i upgrade from my Lincoln 1000's to some middlebys?

So only half your customers suffer? :roll:

Why would half of your customers suffer?

You said that $700 hours turn into $0 hours when your ovens go out.

I asked how often both ovens go out at the same time (which would be required for a $0 hour).

1 oven out of 2 going out does not mean half of your customers will suffer. Chances are that very few customers will suffer.
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I think for 3000 ill just buy them and either use them it save them for another store either way I’m not gonna be out anything
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RG sorry to have confused ya! 😉 I disagree that no customers will suffer. If you take away 1/2 of your production capacity then yes 1/2 of your customers will be waiting or ordering elsewhere. If you can make 200 pizzas an hour and then you can make only 100…what happens to the other 100 orders? I doubt that both ovens would go down at the same exact time but it is possible…though not likely. The bottom line is that no matter if one or both goes down on a busy night…your product and customer service will suffer. I think the majority here, including both you and I, believe that he is at a level to justify the investment here.

I am guessing there are a lot of one year old ovens floating around out there and maybe demo models that the mfg’s have available. Again I would say take the time and at least have the conversation with the reps and put all the real hard numbers on the table before moving forward. It costs nothing to talk about it. :idea:
I guess im just not ready for spending the money on a new oven yet. maybe 2-3 years down the road if i dont sell the store by then.
This sounds like a reasonable plan. You have the know-how to fix these ovens and the parts they use are generally off-the-shelf available. You can always purchase new ovens at a later date if these overwhelm your A/C in the summer or you decide you want to save on gas/electric with more efficient ones.
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How many months will it take before these ovens start to cost you more money?..I do not know the numbers but I am guessing these ovens will cost you more to operate than new ones…This has to be part of your calcuations…
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So if you were in my shoes what ovens would you buy
I would purchase a doublestack of Edge 60’s. Not only will you get more capacity out of each deck, but the modulating gas valve will save you a significant amount of money. When I switched from an XLT stacked with a Lincoln X-2 to the Edge ovens my gas bill dropped by $250-$300/month. You will get the added benefit of many times where you would have needed two ovens on to keep up with the volume, needing only one on. For those big nights, You shouldn’t have much of a problem keeping up with a doublestack. We did multiple $1000+ hours this weekend without turning our third oven on. As far as cost, it has been a while since I priced out any ovens but I believe a doublestack of Edge 60"s would set you back around $20-22,000. It’s a far cry from the $3,000 you are looking at now but from my perspective it sure was nice to remove the title of “Commercial Equipment Repair Technician” from the list of job titles that come with owning a pizza shop. In the last 5 years I replaced every piece of equipment with new except for my mixer which was 5 years old when I purchased it two years ago.
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Well i passed on the deal only because they stopped making the KIT for the conversion from Nat to LP

So i will rethink this over the winter and figure something out then
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Hi Guys:

Many great comments here.

I am happy to see how many posters advise the purchase of new ovens.

I will add some comments. The older 360 ovens were lucky to efficiently burn 80 % of the gas paid for.

They also have exhaust pipes out the back that spews a great volume of hot air out into the hood. New ovens have no heat wasting exhaust pipes.

The blower motors also operate at a higher amperage then the motors on the XLT and Edge ovens.

Over all those new ovens operate for 30% or better less cost than the old PS 360. Add to that the ease of cleaning and in the case of the XLT oven the five year warranty and I think that makes a major case for buying new.

George Mills
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